AUA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2020

Celebrating the wins

Although the AUA team was unable to travel to Nottingham on the 6 and 7 April to welcome our delegates to the AUA Annual Conference 2020, we didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to share some celebrations that would have taken place.

AUA Annual Awards

The AUA Awards provide an opportunity for us to recognise the fantastic work of those who go the extra mile for our association and for our sector.

Member of the Year Nominees

Oliver Cooper
Head of Strategic Projects and Administration
University of Warwick
About Oliver’s nomination

The panel described Oliver as a dynamic, enthusiastic individual who was strongly engaged and clearly committed with the AUA.

Read more here

Emma Pleasants
PA to Academic Registrar and Graduation Co-ordinator
Cranfield University
About Emma’s nomination

The awards panel was particularly impressed with Emma’s involvement with the PgCert.

Read more here

Joanne Caldwell
CDT Manager
University of Salford
About Joanne’s nomination

The awards panel was particularly impressed with Joanne’s long-term engagement and advocacy of the AUA.

Read more here

Michael Monaghan
Leadership and Development Advisor
Liverpool John Moores University
About Michael’s nomination

The panel praised Michael’s strong enthusiasm for supporting others and promoting the AUA at Liverpool John Moores University and the North Wales and North West regional network.

Read more here

Network of the Year Nominees

Advocate team at Newcastle University
About their nomination

The panel was particularly impressed by the clear focus the team showed in promoting AUA’s wider membership activity.

Read more here

Student Experience and Engagement
About their nomination

This themed network launched in April 2019, with the panel impressed by their first year.

Read more here

University of Bath
About their nomination

The awards panel was impressed with all the work done for the AUA by the advocates and the members in a supportive and collaborative environment.

Read more here

Member of the Year Winner

The AUA wouldn’t be what it is without our wonderful members so a huge congratulations to Joanne on her very well deserved award.

Network of the Year Winner

A massive well done to the University of Bath who are the worthy winners of our Network of the Year award. Thank you for all of your hard work.

PgCert Graduation

The AUA Annual Conference is where we would usually celebrate all the students graduating from our PgCert in Higher Education Administration, Management and Leadership.

Although this year we weren’t able to do this in person, we would still like to take this opportunity to say a huge well done and congratulations to our 2020 graduates.

You can read all about our wonderful graduates in our AUA blog.

Cohorts PGC58 and PGC60
Cohort PGC59
Cohort PGC61

Mark of Excellence

We would have also taken the opportunity to celebrate Durham University and the University of Bath for being awarded the AUA Mark of Excellence for a further three years.

A massive congratulations to both universities.

About the University of Bath’s award

Three years after they first achieved the AUA Mark of Excellence, the University of Bath academic professional services have successfully been awarded the Mark for a further three years. Despite experiencing a large amount of change within the organisation, they have successfully managed to further embed their version of the AUA CPD Framework (Effective Behaviours Framework) into key points across the employee lifecycle, and have demonstrated a wide variety of development provision and lots of good practice.

Read more about their experience here

About Durham University’s award

Three years after becoming the first university to be awarded the AUA Mark of Excellence, Durham University has successfully achieved the Mark for a further three years. Despite experiencing a significant amount of change throughout the whole institution, Durham has successfully managed not only to further develop their ‘Realising your potential approach’, their professional behaviours framework based on the AUA CPD Framework but have also continued to embed it across the university.

Read more about their experience here

Online Content

Although our speakers were unable to present their sessions in person at our Annual Conference, some of our speakers have kindly written blogs discussing their sessions in more depth.

Collaborative Problem-solving Techniques

Dr Roseanna Cross and Jill Walsh, both school managers from the University of Bristol share some of the problem-solving techniques they have tried out and their thoughts on how they worked.

Read their blog

The History of Higher Education – a collaborative venture

Mike Ratcliffe, an Academic Registrar from Nottingham Trent University discusses the history of higher education and how it might help people professional staff.

Read his blog

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