Governance & Compliance

AHEP’s consultants specialising in governance and compliance play a crucial role in assisting higher education institutions (HEIs) in enhancing their practices for the better. These experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to support HEIs in navigating the complex landscape of governance and compliance within the education sector.

Which areas can our consultants help you with?

Effectiveness Reviews: Our consultants leverage their in-depth knowledge of the higher education landscape to design and execute rigorous review processes. They collaborate closely with institutions to establish clear objectives and key performance indicators, ensuring that the review aligns with the institution’s mission and goals. AHEP’s consultants systematically collect and analyse relevant data, engaging with stakeholders to gather diverse perspectives on institutional effectiveness. Through benchmarking against industry best practices, these experts provide valuable insights into areas of success and opportunities for improvement.

Committee training and support: Consultants offer ongoing support, assisting committees in refining their processes, addressing challenges, and staying updated on relevant changes in regulations or institutional policies. By fostering a culture of collaboration and equipping committees with the necessary skills, AHEP’s consultants contribute to the overall efficiency and success of institutional governance structures.

Advice on OfS and conditions of registration, DAPS: AHEP’s consultants play a vital role in assisting higher education institutions (HEIs) with compliance related to the Office for Students (OfS) and conditions of registration. These experts are well-versed in the regulatory landscape and work closely with institutions to ensure adherence to OfS requirements. They provide comprehensive guidance on meeting the conditions of registration imposed by OfS, which may include demonstrating financial sustainability, maintaining academic standards, and ensuring robust governance structures.

Risk management: AHEP’s consultants help HEIs identify and mitigate potential risks related to governance and compliance. This includes assessing current practices, identifying vulnerabilities, and implementing strategies to minimise risks, ultimately safeguarding the institution’s reputation and stability.

Case Study:

Ravensbourne University London

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We worked with Ravensbourne University London to review the efficacy of its corporate and academic governance arrangements, key features included:

Review of university documentation relating to governance.

Extensive stakeholder consultation, including observation of multiple meetings, on-campus and phone interviews and two online stakeholder surveys.

Expert consulting input from an experienced team of senior HE governance professionals.

Practical recommendations to support the University to consolidate good governance practice and plan for future improvements.

A comprehensive written report, referencing regulatory requirements/benchmarks, tailored for the Ravensbourne Board of Governors.

The Governance Effectiveness Review conducted by AHEP Consultants was a well-run process and their report has proved very useful in pointing to many improvements which we are now planning to make.

Meet the Consultants Specialising in Governance & Compliance:

Jim Benson

About Jim

Jim has extensive experience in the HE sector, having worked in higher education for almost 30 years, and most recently holding the position of Secretary to Council and University Secretary at Brunel University from 2007-2018. Jim has a specialist interest in corporate and academic governance, strategic development, academic regulations and quality reviews, student and academic administration reviews, reviews of quality processes and regulations, and offering advice on statutory returns and stakeholder engagement.

Dawn Turpin

About Dawn

Dawn has 20+ years’ experience in leadership and management positions within the higher education sector with expertise in corporate and academic governance and regulatory compliance across UK nations, executive and non-executive recruitment, risk management, strategic programme management and information rights. She also has experience of governance in independent and academy trust schools and as a company secretary in the private sector.

Alison Blackburn

About Alison

Alison’s career in HE extends over a period of 38 years. She has held a number of senior roles in UK universities, most recently as Registrar and Secretary at the University of Salford where she was a member of the Vice Chancellor’s Executive Team. As Registrar Alison was responsible for student administration, student experience and support, quality and enhancement, School operations, the Library, and the legal and compliance team. As University Secretary she advised the Chair of Council and ensured effective corporate governance.

Alison has provided advice and support to a wide range of higher education institutions and agencies nationally and internationally. She has a particular interest in quality and regulatory reviews and in corporate and academic governance. Alison is a member of the governing body at Hartpury University and is a long-standing Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Reviewer. She has a Master’s Degree in Higher Education from the University of Manchester.

Vikki Goddard

About Vikki

Vikki Goddard became an independent consultant for the sector recently, having worked in Higher Education for almost thirty years, including as a Registrar and Chief Operating Officer, Director of Strategic Planning, and Director of Faculty Operations. Her last role was as Director of Operations for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at the University of Manchester, having previously held the same role in the Faculty of Humanities. She was responsible for the provision and performance of all Professional Services in the Faculties. Her previous roles include Registrar and COO at the University of Salford, and Director of Planning at the University of Liverpool. She is passionate about enabling people to achieve their potential, and has a particular commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.