The AHEP blog is a space to voice opinion, inform, celebrate and share perspectives of working in higher education administration and management today.

Introducing your Deputy Editor

Introducing the new Deputy Editor, Emily Hargreaves, Head of Administration in Philosophy at the University of Warwick.
May 16, 2024
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What is a Professional Services Early Careers Network and why should your institution have one too?

In honour of National Staff Networks Week, we caught up with HE professionals from the University of Birmingham who share their experience of setting up a Professional Services Early Careers Network and the benefits it has to individuals and organisations.
May 14, 2024
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Embracing remote flexible working: The highs, the lows and what we are doing to make it a success

Millie Crook - Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development at QAA explores the positive and negative impact of flexible working.
May 9, 2024
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International Collaboration in Higher Ed – HE in Australia

We caught up with AHEP member Kathryn Whittingham, to hear her thoughts on HE in Australia. Kathryn has been semi-retired since 2020, having moved into higher education from the UK Civil Service in 1988, and was the first professional member of university staff recruited to an Australian institution from outside the country. She has extensive experience of the sector, working in seven institutions across three countries and two hemispheres.
May 8, 2024
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Unlocking Opportunities with AHEP’s Annual Conference Bursary Scheme

We caught up with two conference delegates who shared their experience of being funded to attend through the conference bursary scheme.
May 8, 2024
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Conference Reflections: the winds of change are blowing through the sector, but so are the winds of opportunity

A line up of interesting, and useful workshops together with some key notes that provided context and challenge to those present. As was said at one of the workshops I attended ‘the winds of change are blowing through the sector whether we like it or not’.
Apr 25, 2024
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Member Spotlight: PgCert Success

Back in the mists of time I was a member of the CUA (Conference of University Administrators) which predated the AUA! I remember going to some great conferences in Belfast and Manchester in the early 90s and attended an in-depth thorough week-long course on committee servicing at Liverpool University, where we had a memorable and captivating after-dinner poetry recital from Roger McGough.  
Apr 5, 2024
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AHEP Annual Conference 2024 Connecting, Reflecting and Reinvigorating

Having attended a number of conferences in my previous career, this experience was without doubt the best, most diverse, inclusive, relevant, supportive, accessible and welcoming conference I have ever attended, especially as a first-time delegate and presenter, and I hope that I have conveyed that in this article.
Apr 3, 2024
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