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One day workshop proposals moderation
Moderators are asked to review each one day event proposal to and provide feedback. Feedback will be used in the selection process and to provide guidance where the criteria is not met.
This feedback may be used regardless of whether the proposal is taken forward, so please try to be as constructive as possible.
The marking criteria will have been sent to you directly with the session proposals. If you require another copy, please contact:
Please select your initials from the drop down list:
Proposal Number
Workshop title
Your Feedback
1: Objectives
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 1 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
2. Learning outcomes
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 2 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
3. Maps to one or more of the AUA professional behaviours
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 3 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
4. Target delegates
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 4 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
5. Appropriate/relevant for AUA members
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 5 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
6. Has considered and demonstrated how to structure and deliver the content to maximise engagement, and stimulate critical thought and insight
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 6 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
7. Relevance of the topic to professional practice in HE
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 7 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
8. Has the proposal considered equality and diversity in the context of their session delivery?
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 8 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
9. Does the content demonstrate that the session will be accessible to all delegates, including those with access requirements?
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 9 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
10. Speaker has proven experience of developing and delivering one day training/development events
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 10 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
11. Extensive knowledge and understanding of the HE context
Does not meet criteria
Partly meets criteria
Meets criteria
Please insert any additional feedback or comments on your rating of criterion 11 here.
Please provide feedback on why you have selected this rating. The feedback is important as it allows us to make an informed overall programme decision. It also allows us to provide structured feedback to the proposal submitters.
Please use the space below to provide any additional feedback or comments you would like to make about this proposal
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