Introducing the AUA Virtual Study Tour
As the AUA’s first ever virtual study tour approaches its mid-way point, this blog aims to give a brief overview of the tour and its objectives.
The AUA has an International HE Network (IHEN) which organises Study Tours. Each of the visits produced reports with a thematic structure eg student services, employability, partnership. In 2020 our tour is in cyberspace. Our aim is to educate ourselves, and to communicate with others, about the TNE partnerships that British universities have with Chinese universities. Our broad objective is to write a report which will be helpful to our membership and to all those who are involved in the development of Trans-National Education (TNE).
We are very aware that this subject is complex and extensive. We do not pretend that we can do more than sample the richness of the subject. We are motivated partly by a belief that the professional participation of administrators has not always been seen as a key component in the partnership.
Some members of our group have no personal experience of working in TNE. Some have significant hands-on knowledge. All of us have a keen appetite to develop ourselves and to understand more about what makes a strong partnership.
We hope that many colleagues in both British and Chinese universities will want to support this work. We believe that we will be able to provide guidance on how colleagues in professional services can be more effectively involved in the construction and development of TNE partnerships. We invite further assistance.
Participating Organisations and Universities
British Council
Universities UK International
UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA
University of Edinburgh
InterGreat Education Group
Liverpool Xi’an Jiaotong University (Suzhou)
Nottingham Ningbo
Nottingham Trent University
Oxford Brookes University
Queen’s University Belfast
University for the Creative Arts
Wuhan University
Group members – institutional employment
University of Aberdeen
University of Bath
De Montfort University
University of Edinburgh
Greenwich University
Keele University
University of Kent
Liverpool John Moores University
Queen Mary University of London
St Mary’s University, Twickenham
David Law
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