Independent Providers SIG
About the Independent Providers’ SIG
The Independent Providers’ SIG brings together colleagues from independent/private providers of HE. This group is a place to seek/provide support and mentorship for colleagues new to this part of the sector, particularly those transitioning from the state sector.
What can you expect from the Independent Providers’ SIG?
– This SIG supports the inclusion of the independent sector as a credible part of the HE landscape, and acknowledges those working in this part of the sector as highly skilled professionals.
– As a member of this SIG, there will also be opportunities to collaborate with other AHEP SIGs to share learning from the independent sector into the state sector for the betterment of all.
To access more information and become a member of this SIG, sign into your AHEP account. Not an AHEP member? Join now!
Meet the Coordinator(s)

Laila Barbe, Independent Providers SIG Coordinator
Director of University Central Administration & Associate Dean
BPP University
About Laila
By profession I am a qualified solicitor, having worked in Private practice as a Commercial Litigator at an International Law Firm in London, followed by leading an inhouse Legal team at a Higher Education institution.
Having also worked in Higher Education prior to my legal career as the former President and Managing Director of BPP’s Students’ Association, where I had the opportunity to advocate at key decision-making committees and influence policy and service delivery, I have always had a passion for the Higher Education sector.
As the Director of University Central Administration for BPP University I lead one of the biggest business units within the BPP Professional Education Group that operates the core administrative functions of the University. This role is similar to that of a ‘Registrar’ in traditional universities, I lead the teams who operationalise the; Exam Results processing for Exam Boards, Exam Operations for both face to face and remote exams, Graduation Ceremonies, Awards and Certificates, Student Loan Company Administration and Student Records. In addition, I work as an Associate Dean, leading significant strategic change management initiatives for the Deputy Vice Chancellor. Recent projects include leading the preparation of implementing International, Undergraduate programmes as well as reviewing the Careers and Social Impact team Service Offering.