Change Seminar Series

Join the Change Special Interest Group for the first event in their brand-new Change webinar series! This webinar will host two sessions:

Using Process Automation within Higher Education – Case Studies from Cardiff University

Transforming the digital landscape of Postgraduate Research Milestones (PGR) management in an agile and lean environment 

Venue: Online

Date: Wednesday, 31 July

Time: 12:00 – 13:30

Price: Free to AHEP Members

About this Workshop

This workshop is hosted by AHEP’s Change Special Interest Group (SIG). This event is the first in the brand-new Change webinar series and will host two sessions. You can find out more about each session below:

Using Process Automation within Higher Education – Case Studies from Cardiff University

Charlie Balcombe, Deputy School Manager, Cardiff University

Why attend?

Dive into the exciting world of process automation in Higher Education Professional Services and see some real-world examples of how the School of Computer Science & Informatics (Cardiff University) uses process automation within their Professional Services Teams.  The purpose of the session is to provide some real life examples of how the School of Computer Science & Informatics (Cardiff University) uses process automation within their Professional Services Teams. The session hopes to provide inspiration in how best process automation can be used within your areas to create streamlined processes, and reduce repetitive administrative burden.  

What you will do:  

The session will take the form of a presentation, with several case studies of where Process Automation has been used the School of Computer Science & Informatics (Cardiff University). There will be opportunity for delegates to ask questions at the end of the session on the case studies provided.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: 

– Understand the principles and benefits of process automation in Higher Education professional services.

– Explore real-world examples of successful process automation initiatives in the School of Computer Science & Informatics (in Cardiff University) 

– Gain practical insights for identifying, implementing, and evaluating process automation opportunities within Higher Education professional services.

This workshop most closely aligns to Being Agile and Adaptable and Delivering Service Excellence, as understanding ways in which colleagues can use process automation to improve efficiencies provides an opportunity to re-shape the way we work within our roles. Whether that is providing more time to strategize, support, and provide high levels of customer service to our colleagues.

Transforming the digital landscape of Postgraduate Research Milestones (PGR) management in an agile and lean environment

Aabida Patel, Senior Business Analyst, Imperial College London

Why attend?

There is so much we can change digitally to improve both student and staff experience, yet why are so many things so manual and paper based. This session will allow delegates to explore the rollercoaster journey of digital change and transformation. This session will explore the rollercoaster journey of Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning that has been needed to enable digital change related to research milestones. 

What you will do:

The session will take the form of a presentation. There will be opportunity for delegates to ask questions at the end of the session.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: 

– Develop their understanding of what the digital change process can look like

– Understand the Tuckman model of team development and the opportunities and challenges this presents in supporting change

– Enable digital change through engagement across HE organisational hierarchy. 

This workshop most closely aligns to Being Agile and Adaptable and Engaging in the Wider Context, as working across the HE boundaries of Departments, Faculties, Students and Professional Services requires us to flexible and adaptable in our approach to engagement that will enable productive consultation for change and it is important we share and discuss ways of enabling different types of change in different environments. 

Is this workshop right for you?  

All AHEP members (at Associate level and above) are welcome to attend. If you are not yet a member of AHEP, please refer to guidance on our membership levels to determine if this workshop is right for you. 

We look forward to welcoming you to this event.

Would you like to be involved in the next webinar? If you would like to present at the Change Seminar Series, please fill out the form and Naomi, Danny and Luke will be in touch with you.

Details in brief

Venue: Online

Date: Wednesday, 31 July

Duration: 12:00 – 13:30

Price: Free to AHEP Members

If you have any questions, please contact

This event has been organised and will be hosted by the Change Special Interest Group. Interested in becoming a member of this SIG? Find out more about this SIG and join now by completing the short form linked.

Interested in delivering a session and being a part of the next Change webinar? Please fill out the form and Naomi, Danny and Luke will be in touch with you.


Charlie Balcombe

Deputy School Manager, Cardiff University

Charlie Balcombe has worked at Cardiff University since 2018, after beginning her first role as a Head of School PA. Since then, she has worked in a variety of different roles within Human Resources and School Management. For the last few years, she has sparked a real interest in understanding how process automation can be embedded into Professional Services within higher education, and has been determined to show colleagues within (and outside) of her institution the exciting capabilities that it has.  

Aabida Patel

Senior Business Analyst, Imperial College London

After many years in NHS operational management roles, frustrated by the lack of flexibility I had to enable change, I joined Imperial College London as a Senior Business Analyst, a role solely focussed on enabling and supporting positive change.  

As part of my role, I focus on improving processes and develop new processes with a focus on cross-college engagement and improvement, developing business requirements for digital development.  

As well as being a member of the Academic Services EDI Steering Group at Imperial, I am also a committee member for the Able Staff Disability network and have recently been appointed as one of the Deputy Coordinators for the AHEP EDI Special Interest Group. 

I am proudly neurodivergent and am keen on removing barriers from systems, policies, and processes for all.