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Helping you get support for AUA activity in your institution

Published on Apr 11, 2018 / No Comments

Category: Volunteer toolkit

This page is only visible to AUA members. In order to access this page, please log in. ...

Being an AUA Advocate

Published on Mar 20, 2016 by Matt Maloney / No Comments

Category: Volunteer toolkit

With a membership of around 3200 members in over 200 higher education institutions, the AUA needs a well-established organisational framework and communications system to function effectively and effi...

Some tips for getting started

Published on Mar 19, 2016 / No Comments

Category: Volunteer toolkit

Firstly you might want to get a network team together. Getting a team together can be a good way of involving your members and spreading the workload. And the most effective way to keep members is to ...

Getting to know your network

Published on Mar 19, 2016 / No Comments

Category: Volunteer toolkit

It is important that as an AUA network volunteer you know your network. We think getting the information below written down in one place is a good place for you to start. We are not trying to catch an...

Member Benefits

Published on Mar 18, 2016 / No Comments

Category: Volunteer toolkit

There are many reasons to join the AUA. Here we’ve listed a few that came straight from the mouths of our members, and you can use these to help you recruit new members: Networking Our members are ...

Support for Advocates

Published on Mar 15, 2016 / No Comments

Category: Volunteer toolkit

AUA office support   The AUA provide a dedicated point of contact for Advocate and Networks support. The AUA Project Officer for Membership and Networks (Matt Maloney) can be a source of knowledg...