Quality and Standards Special Interest Group (SIG) digital resources
Here you can access videos from sessions organised by the AHEP Quality and Standards Special Interest Group (SIG). This page will be updated as more recordings are made available.
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Quality and Standards Network informal lunch – Ofsted and Degree Apprenticeships
This session provides attendees with insight into managing an Ofsted inspection at a Higher Education Institution. Based on experiences drawn from a number of monitoring visits and formal inspections, hints and tips for how to prepare in the months and weeks before an Ofsted team arrives, as well as what actions to take when ‘the call’ comes in and during the challenging days of the inspection itself are shared.
The 48 hour mobilisation plan discussed in the session can be accessed here.
Alison McQuin, Head of Quality, and Laura Pennie, Deputy Academic Registrar, work at the University of Suffolk. Both are actively involved in the preparation and management of Ofsted inspections alongside a range of other Quality Assurance and Registry responsibilities.