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Fake Degrees, Visa Mills & Identity Fraud: how Jisc are protecting UK graduates, universities, and employers

Published on Mar 23, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Updates

AUA Annual Conference 2021 Exhibitor BlogJisc______________________________ Every year the HE sector comes under threat from fraudsters, cheats and those looking to circumvent the system in order to get a valuable qualification. Whether that’s an increase in bogus institutes, using fake certificates, or individuals falsifying student identities, these threaten the reputation and stability of the HE […]

Professional Services – Future-Fit?

Published on Mar 3, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Consulting , AHEP Updates

Professional Services – Future-Fit? It’s now more than a year since the pandemic first hit the UK. It is hard to remember life and work in our institutions pre-COVID-19.  2021 will be potentially even more challenging for HE.  As Steve Smith highlighted in another AUA blog the rapid changes in methods of delivery and ways […]

To proctor or not to proctor – is that the question?

Published on Feb 25, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Updates

AUA Annual Conference 2021 Exhibitor BlogUNIwise______________________________ The use of facial recognition technology during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a widespread debate within the HE community about to what extent surveillance and invasion of privacy is reasonable in order for universities to carry out their obligation to ensure fair and credible assessment of students. The […]

A new world of virtual operations: simplifying, standardising, and transforming the work of professional services

Published on Feb 19, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Updates

AUA Annual Conference 2021 Exhibitor BlogRon Yanosky | EAB______________________________ COVID-19 has transformed higher education into a virtualised industry. While online learning is the most conspicuous part of this new reality, the shift from campus-bound to remote professional services operations is a quieter but equally noteworthy achievement. Our workforce has remained flexible in adopting new modes […]

Just a Minute…….Governance Practice in the New Normal

Published on Feb 16, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Consulting , AHEP Updates , Governance

Just a Minute…….Governance Practice in the New Normal Being ever the optimist, I am making plans for returning to face to face meetings sooner rather than later and, in relation to committee administration, a few positives have emerged as a result of the global pandemic.  I am no longer overly worried about anyone requesting remote […]

Unlocking your data capability

Published on Feb 1, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Consulting , AHEP Updates

Unlocking your data capability If you put “data” into Google you get 8.97 billion results.  For comparison, “Covid” gets 6.55 billion, “Trump” gets 1.78 billion, “Brexit” gets 182 million.  There are many reasons why data has become big, not least of which is the development of technologies and protocols to capture data easily, store vast […]

Wellbeing: Rhetoric or Reality?

Published on Jan 14, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Consulting , AHEP Updates

Something’s been nagging at me through the holiday season. I’ve been pondering a theme in the corporate messaging that seemed to emerge in the final few weeks of the year, shared with me by a number of my coachees (from within and beyond the HE sector) and observed by others on a couple of social […]

Tips to combat WFH monotony

Published on Jan 13, 2021 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Updates , Work and Covid

Rebecca Mapp | Office Operations Manager | Worktribe______________________________ In this blog, Rebecca from Worktribe shares her own experience of the ups and down of the last nine months, and distills a couple of simple but useful tips from seasoned home-office workers in her team. When the first wave of news of the Covid-19 pandemic hit, […]

Friday Retro: clarity and focus in 30 minutes

Published on Dec 18, 2020 by Margaret L Ruwoldt & Sally Newton / No Comments

Category: AHEP Blog , Professional Development

Friday Retro facilitators Sally Newton and Margaret L Ruwoldt are international members of AUA, and serve on the Bass Regional Committee of ATEM, the Association for Tertiary Education Management. When everything is changing around you, every demand on your time and energy seems both urgent and important. Talking to friends and colleagues in March 2020, […]

Admissions in the headlines – again

Published on Dec 4, 2020 / 1 Comment

Category: AHEP Blog , AHEP Consulting , AHEP Updates

Admissions in the headlines – again University admissions usually hits the headlines when something goes wrong, either individually or collectively at a university or national level. A case in point being the fiasco of August 2020, when universities made acceptance decision for home undergraduates on the basis of the grades provided by the examinations boards, […]