Call for Session Proposals

We are inviting working session proposals for this year’s Autumn Conference, which will be held on 17 November 2022, online using Zoom.

The focus of this year’s Autumn Conference is:

Putting professional staff at the heart of digital excellence in HE

There is momentum in the higher education (HE) sector to digitally transform, particularly with an eye on the government’s commitment to lifelong learning and the potential for more flexible, modular, stackable learning. Sector events focusing on the digital transformation of HE are often aimed at those directly involved in teaching and learning, but our Autumn Conference is different. This conference ​will offer a unique opportunity to explore the experiences of all professional services staff and the role you play in creating a positive, lasting digital transformation in higher education. The AUA understands that professional staff are crucial to driving a digital culture in HE institutions. Our Autumn Conference will inspire and equip you with practical takeaways to become digitally excellent and ready for future challenges in HE.   

We are looking to deliver a programme which includes practical advice, case studies and ideas around enhancing our digital practice, which can be taken and used by others in the workplace. Our Autumn Conference is an opportunity to showcase your knowledge, experience and the challenges you face and share examples of effective professional practise with colleagues from across the sector.   

We are looking for session proposals which address the following topics (this list is not exhaustive):  

  • Using data to improve services and enhance the student and staff experience
  • Influencing a digital culture
  • Digital capabilities
  • Digital well-being
  • Digital accessibility and inclusion
  • The future of hybrid and flexible working

For example, you may wish to share your experiences of building your own or your team’s confidence and skills using digital platforms, or you may have been involved in supporting the development of a digital strategy at your institution. Perhaps you’re involved with analysing and evaluating data, and you can share how you use data effectively to make enhancements to your area of work. Maybe you have insights into improving staff or student well-being when working in remote or blended environments, or you have developed strategies for building resilience when working in digital spaces. You do not have to be a specialist in digital solutions or technology – the aim is to showcase examples of your practice for the benefit of our community of professional services staff. 

The AUA CPD Framework is at the centre of all our professional development activities. Please describe how your session supports at least one of the nine professional behaviours.  

Read more about the AUA CPD Framework

Submitting a session proposal:

Please read our brief guidance notes for submitting your session proposal, which provides further detail and practicalities. Once you are ready, you can submit your proposal below.

Closing date for receipt of session proposals is 5.00pm on Friday, 2 September 2022.

AUA reserves the right to edit information supplied in the proposal form. We may contact you to provide additional information. Speakers are subject to the standard event terms and conditions

Jordan Kirkwood of King’s College London talks about his experience of delivering an online session at the Autumn Conference last year.

*Subtitles recommended due to some technical issues with audio.

  • Lead Presenter

  • Please provide brief details of your career, professional interests and experience, in 250 words max. Please write in 3rd person.
  • Co-presenter 1

  • Please provide brief details of your career, professional interests and experience, in 250 words max. Please write in 3rd person.
  • Session proposal

  • Max 15 words
  • Describe your session content including the delivery method, what delegates can expect to be doing and how this session aligns with the conference theme. Max 500 words.
  • Please write your learning outcome as the completion of the following sentence "By the end of the session delegates will be able to..."
  • Please write your learning outcome as the completion of the following sentence "By the end of the session delegates will be able to..."
  • Please write your learning outcome as the completion of the following sentence "By the end of the session delegates will be able to..."
  • Please choose as many as are relevant.
  • Please choose as many as are relevant.
  • Session details

  • Please select up to three behaviours. See our AUA CPD Framework for details:
  • For example: Does the content use a broad range of examples/scenarios/images that illustrate the diversity of higher education? How will the content of your session be accessible to all? Have you considered if the content and structure will be appropriate for those with sensory or mobility impairments?
  • In recognition of the contribution presenters make to the Autumn Conference, the AUA will cover the conference cost for all presenters and co-presenters. Speaker expenses will not be covered. Should you wish to make any changes to your session proposal, including a change of presenter, please inform the AUA office as soon as possible. Presenters who are no longer speaking will not be eligible to have their conference place covered by the AUA. AUA reserves the right to edit information supplied in the proposal form. We may contact you to provide additional information. Presenters are subject to the standard event terms and conditions which can be found at