What exactly is the AUA CPD Framework and how can it help me?
Whether you’re new to the AUA or a longstanding member; the likelihood is you’ll have heard the AUA CPD Framework mentioned in one form or another. From our professional development events programme to our member-led networks and our publications, the AUA CPD Framework is at the core of our development opportunities. But what actually is it?
To put it simply, the Framework is a career development tool that works on an individual and organisational level. It is made up of nine professional behaviours that identify how an individual completes a job. This means the behaviours are relevant at all career stages and to all jobs across higher education, although of course some will be much more important in certain roles than in others. Each behaviour has been considered at three levels: self, others and organisation.
So what can it do for you? The advantage of using the Framework is how easily it allows individuals to take control of their own development. It enables you to identify the behaviours most relevant to your current role or one you may aspire to. You can then compare this to your existing strengths and behaviours that you feel you need to develop further, helping you to recognise your own CPD needs and providing you with the basis of a professional development plan.
Using the Framework to map your strengths and outline targets for development is an important first step; however, the support the Framework can provide you with does not end here. In the coming weeks, we will take each behaviour and highlight ways you can develop it through AUA activities; from contributing to a forum discussion, to writing a blog or going on an international study tour. Some of the activities we outline you might already be doing without realising their CPD potential, others you might never have even considered a possibility. Along the way, we will share the stories of some of our inspirational AUA members, to give real-world examples of the many exciting forms that CPD can take, as well as how the AUA is here to support you with them.
The first behaviour we will look at is ‘Developing self and others’, which focuses on demonstrating commitment to your own and others’ professional development, making it the perfect starting point for using the Framework.
To ensure that you don’t miss out on us highlighting key resources and examples, follow us on our social media channels and keep an eye out for the hashtag #AUAbehaviours.
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