Working together

The behaviour ‘working together’ is all about the skills we use when we work with colleagues to achieve shared objectives. We all work collaboratively within our daily jobs but the AUA also offers many exciting and interesting ways to develop this behaviour that go beyond routine team meetings and group projects.

One very simple way that the AUA can help you to develop this behaviour is our member forums. Whether you ask a question or provide an answer, using the forums for peer-to-peer solutions is a clear example of recognising and valuing the different contributions people can bring to help you achieve your objectives.

However, you may be looking for alternative opportunities to work with others and feel ready for greater commitment. If you would like to be a part of a team that is dedicated to helping higher education professionals to develop, and which contributes to the advancement of the sector, then you could consider applying to become one of our Trustees. As a Trustee you would work with the rest of the Board to shape and help deliver the AUA’s overall vision.

Alternatively, if you are curious about higher education in an international context and want to learn more about how the sector works in another country, you could apply to join one of our international study tours. The study tours give you the chance to work together with colleagues from different institutions, as well as to meet peers in different countries and share best practice across the globe.

Working together is a behaviour that recognises and celebrates the necessity of collaborating with others in order to achieve common goals. As demonstrated above, the AUA offers many activities that allow you to develop this behaviour, suited for different levels of time commitment and professional experience, meaning there is sure to be a suitable opportunity for you.

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