An Unexpected Benefit of Digital Assessment

Nowadays one of the largest issues facing our planet is the overuse of the earth’s resources – one of the leading causes of rapid climate change – and it is heavily debated who should act on creating a more sustainable world. How can your institution take responsibility in the era of climate change? At UNIwise, we believe getting rid of pen and paper and using a digital platform to conduct exams can be a great contribution. 

But how does transitioning to digital exams help save the planet? Simply put, because the carbon emissions of your institution are significantly reduced due to the drastic decrease in paper use, which means fewer trees are cut down to create the paper supplies for your exams. Further, when exams are conducted digitally the transportation costs for distribution of papers to various assessors is eliminated, meaning less carbon still is released into the atmosphere.

In general, when less paper is produced less paper has to be transported to landfills or recycling facilities which also improves the environmental profile of your institution. For example, the Faculty of Business and Social Science at Aarhus University has saved 75% on manual labour including printing, handling, and distributing papers for exams since implementing our digital platform WISEflow in 2013.

Along another line, transitioning to digital exams speaks directly to the mindset of the younger generation, which are undoubtedly the most concerned about future consequences of climate change, making them more than willing to use technology instead of paper for the sake of saving the planet. Digital platforms not only facilitate a more carbon-neutral institution, they can also save money and create a sustainable profile that is attractive to students. So, the question is: Does your institution want to help save the planet?

Come and meet the Uniwise representatives in person at #AUA2020 on Exhibitor stand number 3 and at their Supplier Showcase The digital examination landscape on 7 April 2020. View the full programme here.

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