Help us recruit members for the Board of Trustees

Recruitment of members of the Board of Trustees

We are now inviting expressions of interest to be a member of the Nominations Panel

Deadline: Monday 6 March 2017

Members of the Board of Trustees are nominated to the Board by a specially convened Nominations Panel. The purpose of the Nominations Panel is to review and recommend applications for membership of the Board to the Trustees. The Panel will consist of at least two Trustees, two co-opted members of the Association who are not Trustees, and a senior member of staff from the AUA Office.

The Nominations Panel will interview potential Trustees during the Annual Conference to be held at the University of Manchester, 10 to 11 April 2017. Anyone joining the Nominations Panel will benefit from the speakers’ discount to attend the Conference.

Expressions of interest should be made to Kathy Murray, Head of the AUA Office, by Monday 6 March 2017 and should consist of a brief CV and a short paragraph which outlines your suitability for the role.

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