The October member spotlight is on Nikki Elliott, CBASS Project Officer at Brunel University. Nikki is a student representative for our PgCert programme.
Why do you do it?
I thoroughly enjoyed my time studying for the PgCert and from the start there was a great connection between students and PgCert staff. It has been a pleasure to represent my cohort and share feedback at the Board of Studies, and seeing the difference it can make. The Board are always keen to respond to feedback from students so you feel like you are making a positive contribution. I am not in a student facing role and this opportunity has helped to expand my knowledge in this area.
What has been the best bit so far?
I have travelled to Nottingham and Manchester and had the opportunity to network with other members of the Board and PgCert team. On a selfish note, it kept me motivated and disciplined to work hard when I was on the course.
Would you recommend the role?
Absolutely, it is rewarding to know that you can make a positive difference and it helps you to connect more with your cohort and other staff in sector.
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