Mita Mondal appointed South Network Coordinator

Mita Mondal appointed South Network Coordinator. We asked Mita to share a little bit about herself.

Mita’s background

I have worked in professional services roles in the UK and Australia for 18 years since graduating from Griffith University (Australia) in 2000 with a Masters in Human Resource Management. I am currently Quality Assurance and Accreditations Manager for the Division of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Kent. Prior to this I was School Administration Manager in the School of Engineering and Digital Arts (University of Kent) and worked in other managerial and professional services roles at the University of Kent and Griffith University. I have also completed the AURORA Leadership Programme by Advance HE in 2018 and have taken other professional development and leadership courses to develop my career. I really love working in the university environment and the benefits that it offers, both professionally and intellectually, and can’t wait to become a more active participant in the AUA with this new and exciting role.

Over the years I have benefited from the guidance and mentorship of leaders who have been kind enough to help and go the extra mile to support me in my career. I very much like to get active and involved in my community and feel I have tried to go beyond the day job and help others as a mentor. 

Network developments

I really look forward to taking on this role as South Network Coordinator and the opportunities and challenges that it brings! I firmly believe in being part of an active community where ideas and experiences can be shared for everyone’s benefit and I am delighted to have been an active member of our AUA community since 2014. This has been a useful and important community of practice for me over the years and has helped me to develop a great deal in my role and navigate the challenges that have arisen.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this network and being involved in the activities it provides to members. I really look forward to working with other AUA members to build on the fantastic network that we have.

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