Meet Claire Haye | AUA Career Stories

As one of our newest members! What made you choose the AUA?
I first joined HE in May 2019 having successfully secured the role of College Registrar at University of Derby. The main reason why I chose AUA was the glowing testimonies from my peers within the Registry service, in relation to resources and opportunities. I have already attended the Introduction to HE event ran by AUA and from this started to create my professional network of peers across various organisations.

What do you value most about working in HE?
Despite only being in HE a few months, I already value the future focused approach. It is extremely rewarding to know you are not only working with the next generation but returners to education keen to expand their skills. My HE organisation has a real one team approach to delivery and I value this ethos of a shared purpose.


Claire Hayes
College Registrar
University of Derby


If you could do another HE job for a day, what would it be?
University Secretary and Registrar. That job is my future career goal so it would be interesting to experience the position for a day to fully understand it up close. The experience would provide useful insight into my developmental needs in order that I can start working towards this ambition. Perhaps I will ask to shadow my University’s current Secretary and Registrar or see if she would mentor me.

What does professionalism mean to you?
Professionalism to me is taking ownership for a problem and working towards a solution without trying to allocate blame. It is respecting all your stakeholders opinions and ideas, which means really listening and not just waiting for your chance to talk. Overall, professionalism is not being afraid to ask the ‘why’ question and be a critical friend without judgement. I base my professionalism on my personal values; which are honesty, commitment, hard work, adaptability and knowledge seeking.

What is the one thing you cannot resist?
Stationery! I spend ridiculous amounts of money on fancy notepads and pens despite having drawers full at home. I have kept a journal for many years and choosing a new one always involves going around at least four stationery shops before making my final choice. Plus if I’m getting a new book then I might as well invest in new pens, a case, bookmark, etc, etc.

Where is your favourite place to be?
My favourite place to be is pretty much anywhere by the seaside. I was born and raised in Weymouth but moved to Loughborough to be with my partner (pretty much as far from the sea as you can get). I love being able to see the ocean and don’t even mind putting up with the odd seagull.

What has been the most important innovation you have witnessed in your lifetime?
Smartphones. Living away from my family I rely enormously on social media, facetime and other functions to keep in touch. These innovations help make my loved ones feel that little bit closer. I cannot imagine still living in a world where to speak with my mum I would have to gather up some change and go to the phone box.

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
I would like to tell myself that your path is not going to be a straightforward one. There will be challenges and curve balls you cannot possibly comprehend but you are strong enough to tackle it all. You won’t always bounce straight back from adversity but your stubbornness will help. Also to enjoy being 13 and not be in too much of a rush to grow up.

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