May 2019 Member Spotlight | Melissa Mulhall

The May member spotlight is on Melissa Mulhall, AUA Advocate and Assistant Director, Student Engagement and Experience in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor at the University of Kent.

Why do you do it?

I must confess to being something of a long time and serial advocate as I have held this role at the three different Universities (Kent, Reading and Chester). I thoroughly enjoy the role and the opportunities it brings to lead the development of the local AUA network by facilitating and running events and activities, as well as actively supporting colleagues’ professional development and practice.

Being an advocate brings many rewards and none more valuable than the opportunity to engage with colleagues from across and outside the institution. It has broadened my network and enabled me to contribute outside of the scope of my professional roles.

What has been the best bit so far?

One of my recent highlights has been working with, and learning from, an amazing and talented AUA@Kent leadership team who develop, plan and run all our events and activities. This includes contributions to our staff induction events, a South Regional Symposium, a half-day “think in” event, monthly CPD talks and a new walk and talk event series.

Would you recommend the role?

Absolutely, without any hesitation. At every stage of my career whilst being an advocate I have been able to support the professional practice of my colleagues, develop my network and gain new skills, perspectives and insights into the working practice of different areas of University administration. For example, some of my earliest professional presentations and workshops delivered to a cross-University audience were as an AUA advocate. It has undoubtedly contributed to my professional journey and enabled me to support colleagues with their own journeys – something I am very passionate about.

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