January 2019 Member Spotlight | Anastasia Fliatoura

The January member spotlight is on Anastasia Fliatoura MAUA, Research Student Administrator at the University of Glasgow and AUA Clerk.

Why do you do it?

I am currently studying for a certificate in governance so the role was of particular interest to me. I wanted to see first-hand the inner workings of the board of trustees and the dynamics that shape the decision making process at the higher level of administration. I chose to apply for this role at the AUA as I believe that the breadth of expertise and working ethos of professionals in the universities across the UK demonstrates how vibrant, diverse and unique the sector is.

What has been the best bit so far?

The best part so far has been to gain a deep understanding and working knowledge of governance arrangements and how sound governance can facilitate high quality decision making, effective controls and risk management that ensure the prosperity of the organisation. What is more I had the chance to meet talented colleagues from different universities and be part of a team genuinely concerned with supporting professionals in higher education and establishing high standards of professional conduct.

Would you recommend the role?

I would definitely recommend the role to anyone interested in administration in higher education. All members of professional services are involved in supporting committees within their institutions. Processes established to facilitate the work of the board can be easily applied to any committee at any level of administration. Transferring the relevant skills and knowledge can be very beneficial. It provides the confidence to advice and suggest solutions for delivering high quality service to colleagues and students.

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