It’s not just about green issues! Sustainability and the AUA Autumn Conference | AUA Blog

Sustainability in the HE Sector affects us all. When we think of ‘sustainability’, our minds are generally drawn towards environmental issues. While these matters are very real, very important and very current, sustainability covers so much more. At this year’s AUA Autumn Conference we’ll be exploring what sustainability means for higher education and what it can mean for your professional practice.

The purpose of sustainability as a concept
is to focus on meeting the needs of the
without compromising the future

This definition falls into three key areas; profits, planet, and people and our programme covers all three. We have a varied line up of keynote speakers and working sessions to inspire, challenge and widen your understanding of sustainability.  You’ll go back to your institution with fresh ideas, practical steps and a renewed burst of enthusiasm for our sector.

Sustainable change

At this year’s Autumn Conference you can learn from colleagues about how to use LEAN methodology and Agile working to create a culture of continuous improvement in your team.

Sustainable partnerships

Discover how some institutions have worked collaboratively to deliver an improved academic and student experience at each campus, and how institutions from overseas are doing things differently. This key area provides insights into agile relationships, financial sustainability and shared learning.

Sustainable campus

By hearing from a number of experts across the sector, you will discover how to improve sustainability across the campus and even create a sustainable campus from scratch. Our speakers will be sharing lessons learned along the way and give practical advice for you to take back to your own institutions.

Sustainable staff

Join discussions around challenges currently faced by PS staff in HE as well as how we are attracting, supporting and retaining the next generation of staff across the sector.

Sustainability through good governance

Good governance informs and facilitates decision making which, in turn, enables a University to grow and prosper. The key areas which will be looked at here are financial governance; strategic plan; and accountability and transparency in relation to leadership.

The Autumn Conference is a one day event, designed to bring the AUA membership together around one central topic or theme. It is also your chance to make the most of your membership by networking with one another and considering development in all its individual and institution wide forms. Click here to book.


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