Goodbye, hello: tips for managing transitions | AUA Blog

Lindsay Melling
Staffing and Resources Coordinator | Institute for Education | Bath Spa University

I recently started a new job in a different institution so have taken the opportunity to reflect on my previous role and make plans for how I intend to approach my new one.

A mentor once gave me some good advice about ‘housekeeping’ at the end of a job; how to tidy things up, get everything in order and prepare to move on. The piece of advice I particularly remember is to decide what you want to stop doing when you leave your current role and what you want to start doing when you begin your new one. When I last moved jobs I resolved to stop eating lunch at my desk and to ensure I took at least a 30 minute break each day, something I intend to continue in my new role!

Any transition (e.g. new job/secondment/interim role/change of location) can provide a good opportunity to reflect, review and make changes. Here are some suggestions for how to manage transitions so that you get the most out of them:

  • Be realistic about what you can complete or achieve before moving on – if you can never get on top of your to do list don’t think you will be able to tick everything off just because you are leaving! Talk to your line manager and prioritise your work and plan your handover;
  • Create or add to a list of achievements from your current role – what are you most proud of doing and what gave you most satisfaction? How did you deal with challenges or issues? Use information from your annual appraisal or one to one meetings to remind yourself of what you have achieved and recognise your successes;
  • Update your CV – take the opportunity to capture your key responsibilities, skills and experience and ensure your learning and development record is updated;
  • Wipe the slate clean – consider what you will start and stop doing when you change role and plan how you will implement this;
  • Keeping in touch – arrange to say goodbye to key people, take time to thank your colleagues and to give them recognition for their guidance and support. Make sure you have the information necessary to keep in touch via email, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.;
  • Making new contacts – find out who the key colleagues are for your new role and contact them to arrange an introductory meeting. Contact your new AUA advocate/regional coordinator to introduce yourself and to make sure you are on the relevant mailing lists;
  • Use your commute – if your journey has changed consider how you will use the time, or how you could use your existing commute more effectively e.g. listening to podcasts, reading books/articles/blogs, walking, cycling, or maintaining your social media profile.

A change in your routine provides an excellent opportunity to establish new habits, so decide what you would like to do and plan for how you will make it happen. Good luck!

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