Empowering teams and promoting success through continuous improvement | AUA Quick reads
Laura Roper FAUA | Accreditations Officer | University of Bournemouth
“In every job that must be done there is an element of fun” as quoted by the fabulous Mary Poppins and I could not agree more. We spend a third of our lives at work and this is far too much time to spend it surrounded by people who feel unhappy, unengaged and disempowered. So what can we do?! Sadly, we can’t click our fingers and make the books jump back onto the bookcase but we can take positive steps to make our working environments happier, more collegiate places to work. This is the focus of our session at the 2020 AUA Annual Conference.
Sam, Susanne and I feel so passionate about empowering teams and promoting both team and individual successes and the huge benefits this has on working practices and this will form the focus of a (hopefully!) fun, interactive workshop that we are planning. We want to share some of our best practice examples of Service Excellence and Lean Management Thinking with you which have been implemented at Bournemouth University
As well as hearing from us, we also want to hear your stories and ideas so that we can all work together and by the end of the session create a personalised toolkit of methods and approaches that we can all take away and start to implement within our work lives.
We hope that you will join us for our session and help us share some positive best practice approaches within your own institution or organisation.
104: Empowering teams and promoting success through continuous improvement is a working session at the AUA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2020. In these mini blogs, our session speakers talk about the journey that lead to this point. Read the full Conference programme here.
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