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‘Say hello to your new association…Welcome to the Association of Higher Education Professionals’

Published on Jul 25, 2023 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Development Monthly July 2023 , AHEP Updates

‘Say hello to your new association…Welcome to the Association of Higher Education Professionals’ Development Monthly | #21 July 2023 | Reflections from the Conference An Introduction to AHEP to ‘Welcome to the Association of Higher Education Professionals’ If the question you were most interested in was what the new name for the AUA was going […]

Do Academics Make the Best University Leaders? Yes? but……

Published on Jul 21, 2023 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Development Monthly July 2023 , AHEP Updates

Do Academics Make the Best University Leaders? Yes? but…… Development Monthly | #21 July 2023 | Conference Reflections A Reflection on the Panel Session for the AUA Conference 2023 The inspiration for the session was a THE article with the title ‘Give Administrators a Go at The Top Job’ which was attributed to me arising […]

NHS to HE: a new career pathway as a business analyst

Published on Jul 21, 2023 / No Comments

Category: AHEP Development Monthly July 2023 , AHEP Updates

Aabida Patel (she/her) Senior Business Analyst | Registry, Imperial College London Development Monthly | #21 July 2023 | Conference Reflections Hi, my name is Aabida and I am a Senior Business Analyst at Imperial College London. I have been working in the Higher Education sector for almost 8 months and have been loving it so far! […]