Attracting and retaining the next generation of HE administrators | AUA Blog

Attracting and retaining the next generation of HE administrators is a working session at the AUA Autumn Conference 2019. Here our session speakers talk about the journey that lead to this point. 

With the ‘student experience’ at the heart of measures such as the TEF and Graduate Outcomes (the ‘new DLHE’) forcing universities to seriously invest in the ‘high-skill’ employability of their graduates, the current reporting landscape is perfectly aligned to encourage HEIs to look to their recent alumni to fill ever-important professional services roles. As two young, eager recruits to the sector we are so looking forward to facilitating a discussion, under-pinned by our own professional experiences, that challenges practice and norms in HE recruitment and retention. Starting at the very beginning of the recruitment journey we will discuss what it is like to apply for professional services roles in universities, from the perspectives of both the candidate and recruiter. As alumni of the unique Ambitious Futures Graduate Scheme (2016-2017) we will also take the opportunity to touch upon the professional development opportunities considered invaluable in pushing us to our current strategic roles.

Whilst we find that most people agree that having young professionals as university staff makes perfect sense, the pace of the sector and the iterative nature of policy is not conducive to implementing sustainable and long-term goals for facilitating recruitment and retention practice for these individuals. What do you universities have to gain? What are the barriers to success? Drawing on broad theories, recent literature and data we will offer the time and the place for an open forum discussion around what ‘the next generation’ of professional services staff should look like and how we can facilitate its growth. We look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Pritesh Nathubhai
Strategic Planning Officer
Strategic Planning Service
University of Liverpool

Francoise McKay
Voice and Reporting Senior Analyst
Research, Enterprise and Graduate Services
University of Derby

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