Working Session One
Monday 10 April
12:45 – 14:00
List of Working Session One
Working Session One
Monday 10 April – 12:45 – 14:00
- 101: AUA Network Development Session
- 102: Living with uncertainty, and making a success of it
- 103: Institutional Agility Full.
- 104: Safe spaces: the university culture wars
- 105: Motherhood and apple pie? Full.
- 106: Tame the Wild Beast
- 107: How a humble tomato can transform your productivity! Full.
- 108: Writing for Perspectives
- 109: Global Trends and Enrolment Impacts: The Transformation Imperatives for HE
- 110: Transforming the Admissions Process
- 111: From generalist to specialist. Full.
- 112: Transformed: Higher Education since 1992
- 113: Newcomers Welcome Full.
- 114: International Delegates Welcome
- 115: Session for Ambitious Futures
- 116: Personal and professional transformation: how the CPD framework can help you! Full.
101: AUA networks...
101: AUA Network Development Session
This session is open to Network Coordinators and Advocates only.
Following a brief introduction by Matt Maloney, Emma Newman, the brand consultant who looked after the AUA rebrand will do a general recap of the brand project followed by a quick review of the 4 brand values.
Then we will hand over to Tom Mason from the University of Manchester who will deliver a workshop:
Social media is a technology, not a strategy: Using social media to promote the AUA
What’s the secret to successful social media? This session will explore how volunteers can make the most of platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Snapchat to promote their work with the AUA. Over the course of the session, we will focus on how social media can be used to engage an audience, to drive awareness and increase event attendance. Attendees will be provided with a variety of tools and tips to use in their own activity and learn a number of techniques to help create effective social media content such as video and graphics.
Matthew Maloney, AUA Projects Officer (Networks)
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102: Living with uncertainty...
102: Living with uncertainty, and making a success of it
The future landscape for higher education is very unclear, we don’t know the impact of Brexit, or the progress of the Higher Education and Research Bill through parliament. This session will consider the “as-is” position in April 2017, and the implications for professional services. We shall look forward and discuss approaches to adopt in such uncertain times. After a brief introduction, in structured group discussions we will consider the ways in which we all need to transform ourselves, and our services, to meet the emerging needs of students, the sector (and the politicians!).
Jon Renyard, Director for Student Experience, Arts University Bournemouth
Jon Renyard has worked in higher education for 20 years, initially within academic quality and standards and more recently, in senior management roles with responsibility for the student experience. He has worked for a range of institutions, and was also Chair of the national Quality Strategy Network for six years. His current role, as University Secretary and Director for Student Experience at the Arts University Bournemouth, is a senior management role with responsibility for both matters of compliance, and for services directly affecting the student experience, including Student Services and Campus Services (management of the estate).
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103: Institutional agility
103: Institutional Agility, what can a university learn from the Apprenticeship Levy?
This session is to promote problem solving around barriers to institutional agility. The aim is to present a scenario based around a potential opportunity/threat to the HE sector (in this case, the Apprenticeship Levy). The delegates will be presented with incremental steps towards and will be invited to reflect on and discuss (if they wish) the relevant issues in their HEI to support or inhibit delivery of the University response. This analysis will help prepare them for the professional services contribution to University decision-making in the future. At each step, the delegates will be able to reflect on the potential barriers within their own institution that may inhibit agility. Our experience is there are thematic issues to explore across most Universities. The learning outcome is for the delegate to identify those areas of their HEI and to explore tools to support professional services colleagues as enablers of institutional agility. This may be one or two from a range of outcomes: for example, process review, building stronger collaborative links with faculty, restructure etc.
Susan Matthews, Associate, Weightmans
Susan has over 22 years post qualification experience as a Solicitor both in-house (in public sector) and in private practice. Susan was Director of Legal and Secretariat at the University of Bradford until May 2015 where she was directly responsible for managing and advising on strategic legal, regulatory and compliance risk. Susan’s credentials in HE legal practice includes: A track record in building collegiate relationships with University Corporate Services and Academic colleagues; Wide experience of cross-working across a range of University issues and colleagues on legal issues; Working with clients to identify and develop responses to legal issues; Researching, responding to, analysing and advising on legal issues that impact on services, organisational performance, external contractual relationships, research projects and University partnerships that have led to or may lead to legal dispute.
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104: Safe spaces...
104: Safe spaces: the university culture wars
How social media are transforming university campuses and pitching students against university staff–and what administrators can do about it
This session explores how fracture lines are developing on university campuses between students and staff. Students who pay tuition fees demand to be shield from content, people and experiences that they find upsetting. Meanwhile social media makes it extraordinarily easy to start campaigns that polarise people, while simultaneously reinforcing existing opinions. The trend originated in America with “trigger warnings”, which academics use to advise students that they are about to encounter content that some students could find upsetting. It has now spread to include concepts that affect those working in university administration, who must now navigate a world of “micro-aggressions” and “safe spaces”. Advocates of safe spaces see them as a way for students to feel secure. However critics worry about censoriousness. Meanwhile academics and administrators are caught in the middle: sympathetic to students who have experienced personal difficulties, but uneasy at the idea of the exclusion of content, people and experiences. We propose to explore: how can university administrators go about navigating this unforgiving landscape? How can they best help students who need support? Should those working in administration be compelled to undergo unconscious bias training?
Alison Goddard, Editor, HE
Alison Goddard is the editor of HE, which covers policy and markets in higher education and is published by the same company as Research Fortnight. She has almost two decades of experience as a journalist, having spent seven years on The Economist, most recently as education editor, and seven years on what was then the Times Higher Education Supplement. She has chaired hundreds of conference sessions and spoken at many others, including giving evidence to MPs scrutinising the 2016 higher education and research bill. She is a former governor of Birkbeck, University of London, and she is currently lay member of the college’s ethics committee.
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105: Motherhood and apple pie?
105: Motherhood and apple pie?
Early resolution of complaints and improved student and staff experience
The OIA’s launch of the Good Practice Framework on complaint handling from 2015-16 onwards emphasises the importance of early resolution of complaints. Whilst colleagues in England and Wales are still getting to grips with this, institutions in Scotland have been working with a simplified sector-wide two-stage complaint procedure for over three years. With a strong emphasis on ‘valuing complaints’ and seeing complaints as a means of improving our provisions and processes, how is it working? How have we moved from a culture where complaints were feared and possibly ignored, to one where complaints are recognised for what they are, are tackled proactively, and resolved as swiftly and effectively as possible? Using anonymised case studies, this session will look at ways of ‘nipping things in the bud’ – of resolving small issues before they become big ones – and at how all staff can participate in this. Spotting the ‘learning points’ from complaints will also be covered, with a view to improving our services for future students.
Jean Grier, FAUA, University of Edinburgh
Jean Grier has worked in university administration for over 30 years and is currently Investigations Manager at the University of Edinburgh, where she has responsibility for the management of complaints to the University. An experienced trainer and conference presenter, Jean has designed and delivered full-day staff development sessions for many years, and has delivered numerous sessions at AUA conferences. Bringing external experience to the role as well – from non-executive appointments outside the sector – gives a breadth of expertise. Jean has written five good practice guides for AUA on a range of topics, has a number of other publications to her name, and is the co-author of two fully illustrated books on the University of Edinburgh (one currently in press). Jean is on the Board of IDRAS, on the ENOHE Steering Group, and is Chair of the Scottish HE Complaints Forum.
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106: Tame the wild beast
106: Tame the Wild Beast
Managing your (inner?) micromanager
Whether you’re struggling with a micromanager, or whether you want to stop being one, this session is for you! The first part of the workshop will explore the triggers of micromanaging behaviours. Then, within your groups, you’ll discuss your experiences from both ends of the spectrum. In the second part of the workshop, we’ll discuss some practical tactics and coping strategies – including nonviolent communication and principled negotiation. Then, back in your groups, you’ll practice some of these strategies with each other. At the end, each group will feed back their learning and the one thing they’re planning to change when they go back to the office. This will be a highly interactive workshop based around a loose theoretical framework, and attendees will need to be ready to share their experiences to get the most out of it. Those interested in doing some research beforehand can read Marshall Rosenberg’s “Nonviolent Communication” and/or Roger Fisher and William L. Ury’s “Getting to Yes”.
Noelle Rumball, External Reporting Manager, University of the West of England, Bristol
Noelle is the External Reporting Manager at the University of the West of England, Bristol, leading the team responsible for student reporting to HESA, HEE, various PSRBs, plus the stewardship of UWE’s student data. She has previously worked as a consultant for both UWE and University of Bristol, primarily project managing the HESA Student Return and advising on HE funding policy. Before that, she was Senior Student Information Officer and Student Information Manager at the University of Bristol, where amongst other things she was responsible for producing data to support and develop WP policy and research. Her professional background outside of HE is in business intelligence and management information, and she has worked for the Planning Inspectorate, Ofsted, and NERC. Noelle is an experienced line manager, including matrix management, dotted-line management, and managing remote teams. She has experience of micro-managing from both sides!
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107: Humble tomato productivity...
107: How a humble tomato can transform your productivity!
A method to help you get more stuff done on a daily basis
This session will introduce you to a time management technique that will help you transform your focus and in doing so mean you get more ticked off your to do list each day.
John Burgess, Resources Administrator, Anglia Ruskin University
I’ve been working in the HE sector for 14 years. This has given me substantial experience of project management and coordination within large multi campus organisations. Major projects I have led on are the introduction of different modules of a new student records system (30,000+ annual records) and the relocation of some of our academic and central departments across town into a new purpose built building. I enjoy planning and can be regarded as a black belt list maker! I have experience of tackling complex problems across multi-disciplinary teams, for instance the introduction of an on-line enrolment system for students. I enjoy experimenting with and testing new software and have a growing interest in how technology is making it easier to communicate, process, store and access information across the globe. I have been a member of the AUA for approx 10 years and during that time I have served as Network Coordinator for the Manchester Met Branch, was on the team that organised the North West Regional Conference in July 2009, have acted as a mentor on the PgCert and was granted a Fellowship in 2012.
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108: Writing for Perspectives
108: Writing for Perspectives
The objective of this session is to encourage prospective authors, especially those who work in administration, and to clarify how it is possible to ‘get into print’.
We will discuss:
- Topics that are of particular interest to the readership of Perspectives;
- The challenges of presenting ideas and projects in engaging ways;
- Seeking support and guidance; and,
- The potential rewards that might be achieved
David Law, Perspectives Editor, Edge Hill University
During a career that has combined academic roles and administration/management, David has worked at five universities in the UK and spent a research sabbatical at Harvard. His academic field is contemporary history, especially 20th century communism. He was Academic Registrar at the Universities of Warwick and Hull and a PVC at Edge Hill University. Following (what was meant to be) retirement, David directed the Confucius Institute at Edge Hill for two years. He is Principal Editor of Perspectives (AUA journal). At the same time he is developing his consultancy business, IETC Ltd, and running an MA in Management of International HE.
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109: Transformation Imperatives
109: Global Trends and Enrolment Impacts: The Transformation Imperatives for HE
As governments place greater burdens for paying the costs of HE onto students and their families, employers seek fit for purpose graduates ready from the first day of work after graduation, enrolment caps disappear and competition from a growing cadre of for-profit educators and corporate training programs increases, how will HE respond?
Doing business as usual will no longer suffice and institutions and systems must transform the way they present themselves to students, parents and employers. They must also communicate the benefits of their unique educational programmes and environments to ensure that they attract and graduate students most ready and most able to benefit from these programmes.
Greater details of these and other trends will be presented, along with responses that have been implemented in American, Canadian and other country systems and institutions to transform the ways in which they conduct their enrolment operations and strategically position themselves within an increasingly dissatisfied and competitive market.
Tom Green, Associate Executive Director, Consulting and SEM, AACRAO
Dr. Tom Green brings over 30 years of enrolment leadership experience and expertise to AUA 2017. He served as dean or vice president of enrolment management at a number of private and public institutions in the U.S. Dr. Green led admissions, financial aid, registrar, student accounts, academic advising and support, adult re-entry services and one-stop shop areas, twice serving as director of financial aid. His expertise in Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) planning, recruitment techniques, enrollment marketing and communications, financial aid analysis and resource utilization and student success techniques resulted in enrolment increases, improvements in student profile and retention rates, as well as increases in institutional net revenue.
In 2006, Dr. Green joined AACRAO Consulting and since 2008 has devoted his career full-time to helping institutions reach their enrolment goals. His work has included both private and public institutions, from small private colleges to public flagships, from rural to highly urban, and specializations such as online programs, law schools, Hispanic Serving Institutions and Historically Black Colleges and Universities. His consultations have been performed in every region of the United States, in Canada, the United Kingdom, the Middle East and in Eastern Europe.
Tom Green holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa, a master’s degree from the American Conservatory of Music, where he later began his academic career as a faculty member in music performance, and a Ph.D. in higher education leadership, management and policy from Seton Hall University. He is a frequent speaker and workshop leader at national and international conferences and has published articles and book chapters on a wide variety of SEM issues. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of SEM Quarterly, AACRAO’s peer-reviewed journal of research and practice in the field.
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110: Transforming admissions...
110: Transforming the Admissions Process
In a bid to increase student numbers, the University has embarked upon an admission transformation project. The aim being to increase the number of pathways available to applicants and to ease the application process where possible. How do we engage with the interstate students wishing to engage at our partner campuses? Or those wishing to travel to Canberra to study? How do we improve the international student experience? Can we improve on the service we provide our international students and agents? Can we develop an online application process similar to an online shopping experience? Some things work others don’t. How do we continue transforming our process while keeping staff engaged?
Mara Eversons, Deputy Director of Student Services, ATEM, University of Canberra
Mara Eversons is a University professional with over 15 years’ experience in the higher education sector. Mara is currently the Deputy Director, Student Services within the Student Administration and Planning unit at the University of Canberra where she provides leadership to the following teams: Admissions, International Compliance, Student Progress & Graduations, Placement Office and the Student Centre Enrolments team. Mara’s undergraduate degree is in Primary Education majoring in English as a second language. In 2011, Mara was the Business Manager of the Faculty of Arts and Design and was encouraged to enrol into the Master of Business Administration. Mara completed the Masters of Business Administration in mid-2014. Having experience working in faculties and student administration Mara has a good working knowledge of ‘both sides’ of the university world. Mara is a long-time member of ATEM, The Association for tertiary Education management, and became a member of the ACT/NSW regional committee in 2014. Mara is also a member of ANZSSA, Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association.
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111: From generalist to specialist
111: From generalist to specialist
How the Department of Management focused its management structure
Every job changes over time but what happens to roles and the people in them when change becomes necessary due to the accelerated evolution of an academic department? What are the intrinsic differences between generalist and specialist roles? What are their specific advantages and disadvantages? Which model works best for professional services staff, students and faculty?This interactive workshop will take participants through the process of acknowledging that change is sometimes necessary, determining what form that change should take and implementing those new structures. It will focus on the personal implications of change and how to retain control of a potentially difficult process; how communications with various stakeholders are managed; and how those involved need to be truly engaged and supportive of the process so that an effective team can be formed.
Using a real-life example to better explore these issues, participants will gain an understanding of the causes, implications and consequences of large-scale change and restructure. They will be encouraged to think about the structure of their own teams and to use the lessons we learned to help them identify any possible solutions to problems they may be facing.
Sharon Barnes, Academic Planning Manager, Dept of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science
I have worked in HE for sixteen years, mainly at LSE but also at a post-92 institution. I am now in my second period at LSE and as detailed in the session proposal, my role has changed considerably since I rejoined LSE. Following the events outlined in the proposal I have been able to create a job which is unique at LSE and rare within HE.
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112: Transformed: HE since 1992
112: Transformed: Higher Education since 1992
A history of British Higher Education since the abolition of the binary line 25 years ago
25 years ago we were a sector divided. There were universities, the smaller part of the sector, and the polytechnics and colleges. Although the wider sector shared many things, there were sharp differences, often relating to their immediate heritage as either autonomous or local government controlled . Universities and polytechnics had different admissions services (UCCA vs PCAS), funding systems (UFC vs PCFC), Pensions (USS vs TPA), Trades Unions (AUT vs NATFHE), and even administrators’ associations (CUA vs APA). The universities had been funded for research, and had had their first selectivity exercise. The polytechnics and colleges did not have their own degree awarding powers and were subject to both CNAA external quality assurance and HMI inspections. In this session we will look at the history of the binary divide, how it fell, and how the sector has developed since. The divide still influences debate, to some extent this heritage remains – the term ‘former polytechnic’ is still used (even though those institutions have now been universities for longer than they were formally designated as a polytechnics and the vast majority of students were all born after the binary line ended). We will look at how the Dearing Report settled the pattern for the unified sector (itself 20 years ago), how systems such as quality assurance settled in, and look forward to how the changes since 2010 are re-shaping that pattern. The session will be interactive – the changes over the last 25 years have been a lived experience – and we will draw on AUA members’ knowledge and recollections over that period.
Mike Ratcliffe, Director, More Means Better
I am currently working as an ‘interim executive’, as an Academic Registrar,having previously been Director of Academic and Student Affairs at Oxford Brookes and Registrar at Winchester. I have done postgraduate study at the UCL Institute of Education and have had blogs published by THE and WonkHE as well as on my own blog. I have presented workshops at the AUA conference, regional conferences and network meetings around the UK for over 15 years, with very good feedback, but I am not proposing to do my overview of HE history this year, but to focus on the 25 year anniversary.
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113: Newcomers welcome
113: Newcomers welcome
In this session we welcome first time visitors to the AUA conference. This is an ideal opportunity to network with other newcomers, see what’s in store for the two days, and find out how you can get the most out of the conference.
Kathryn Fowler, Deputy Executive Director, Aberdeen Institute of Energy, University of Aberdeen, and AUA Chair
A professional University Manager with more than 25 years’ experience of the Higher Education system, Kathy has been Deputy Executive Director of the Aberdeen Institute of Energy ( since 2014. This role has recently changed to Business Development/ Operational Manager focused on delivery of the University commitment to the Oil & Gas Technology Centre.
Kathy’s role is to contribute to the development and co-ordination of strategic planning activity, to ensure that administrative services are aligned to ensure continual enhancement of the Institute’s activities.
Formerly the College Registrar for the College of Physical Sciences, she led the administration of 1 of the 3 Colleges through which all academic activity is managed at the University of Aberdeen. This involved co-ordinating a team of professional administrators (accountants, human resources, estates, IT specialists alongside generalist administrators). The College has an annual turnover of c£20m, and has some 350 staff, and 2,500 fte students.
Kathy was engaged in the development of the highly successful Northern Research Partnership in Engineering & Related disciplines since its inception in 2006/07 ( She was fully engaged in the development of the National Subsea Research Institute (NSRI), from the development of the initial concept, through to launch and into its recent iteration. She was a Board member of the NSRI.
Kathy has been a member of the Association of University Administrators for around 20 years, and was awarded the Fellowship of the AUA in 2010. She was deputy co-ordinator of the AUA Special Interest Group on Managing Change. She is in her second term as a member of the Board of Trustees. In 2015 she was elected as Vice-Chair of the AUA, taking on the role of Chair in August 2016, for 2 years.
Kathy is also a Board Member of Aberdeen Performing Arts (APA), and chairs the Finance, Audit and Property Committee.
Sam Bayley, Timetabling Manager, University of York
Sam is the Department Manager for the Department of Sociology at the University of York. His career in higher education stretches back to 2010, prior to which he worked in retail management. He has held a number of roles relating to timetabling, residential accommodation services, and project management. Alongside his day job, Sam sits on one of York’s College Councils in an advisory capacity. He is also a trained workplace mediator, and works with colleagues in conflict around the University to improve their working relationships.
Sam joined the AUA’s Board of Trustees in 2014, having previously represented PGCert participants on the Board of Studies. He is also the Network Coordinator for Yorkshire and the North East. He acts as an independent consultant for timetabling and space management. Outside of work, he is a semi-professional football referee, and cocker spaniel owner.
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114: International welcome
114: International welcome
In this session we welcome international delegates to the AUA conference. This is an ideal opportunity to network with other international visitors, see what’s in store for the two days, and find out how you can get the most out of the conference.
Hayley Simpson, Senior International Recruitment Manager, Royal Holloway, University of London
Hayley is Senior International Recruitment Manager at Royal Holloway, University of London where she has overall responsibility for the planning, delivery and evaluation of recruitment from the College’s overseas target markets, including the EU. Hayley has previously worked at Queen Mary University of London, University College London and Kingston University in a variety of roles. Hayley joined the AUA as a member in 2012 whilst she was part the first cohort of the Ambitious Futures Graduate Trainee scheme, and subsequently became a Trustee in 2014.
Chris Ince, Secretary, SOAS
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115: Ambitious Futures
115: Session for Ambitious Futures
This session is only open to Ambitious Futures Graduate Trainees.
Securing a place on the Ambitious Futures Management Trainee scheme offers an unparalleled opportunity to start building a career in Higher Education. Developing contacts and networks and making constructive use of conferences are a crucial part of your continuing development as an HE professional. In this session, Nicola Owen and Christine Abbott will talk about how to get the most out of the AUA and Conference, to help build your future from here. Using the AUA framework of Behaviours and working in small groups, the session will provide you with real insight into how to identify your key strengths and areas for development. You will consider how to navigate the Conference programme to really make the most of what’s on offer – so that you can use the time away from the day to day to broaden and deepen your knowledge of the opportunities that the sector offers and make connections with others. Finally this session will suggest ways to help you to identify your career goals, and your next steps.
Nicola Owen, Chief Administrative Officer and Secretary, Lancaster University
Nicola Owen is the Chief Administrative Officer & Secretary at Lancaster University, a post she commenced in January 2013. Together with the Director of Finance, she leads the Professional Services at Lancaster. As CAO, she is the Head of Administration and has responsibility for the following administrative Divisions: Strategic Planning & Governance, Recruitment, Admissions & International Development, Facilities, Human Resources & OD, Information Systems Services, Communications & Marketing, Alumni and Development, Research and Enterprise Services, and Student Based Services As Secretary she has responsibility for the operation of governance and support to Council as well as a number of other legal, governance and licensing roles .
Prior to moving to Lancaster University, Nicola was Deputy Registrar at the University of Warwick, a post to which she was appointed in 2010. As Deputy Registrar, Nicola had responsibility for the effective coalescence of all functions with planning and strategic responsibilities. In this capacity, she played a critical role in overseeing corporate governance, including Council and constitutional governance, Health and Safety, Risk, Legal, Internal Audit, Business continuity and emergency planning, information security, legal compliance and complaints procedures; Institutional Strategy, Planning and Performance. She also had responsibility for student welfare and development support and campus-based facilities. She led the strategic and operational planning for the initial set up phase of Warwick’s alliance with Monash University in Melbourne.
During her time at Warwick she had senior management responsibility for all areas of student and academic administrative services in various roles. Before her appointment as Deputy Registrar, Nicola was Academic Registrar from 2007 and prior to that was Director of Academic and Student Affairs and the Director of Operations and Planning. Prior to joining Warwick in 2001, Nicola held a variety of posts at the University of East Anglia including in Teaching Quality, the Graduate School and the Centre for Continuing Education. Nicola has a BA (Hons) in Politics from the University of Nottingham and an MA (Hons) in European Integration and Co-Operation from the University of Hull.
Kim Smith, Careers Consultant, The University of Manchester
Kim Bailey is a Careers Consultant at the University of Manchester (UoM), working with the Faculty of Humanities to provide a wide range of support for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Kim began her career as part of the first cohort of Ambitious Futures, the Graduate Trainee Programme for University Leadership, in 2012, at the University of Nottingham. Since then she has worked at the University of Leicester’s Career Development Service, and as a Quality Enhancement Officer at Manchester Metropolitan University, before starting her current role at UoM in September 2016. With Ambitious Futures providing her with a springboard into an exciting and varied HE career, Kim is keen to continue supporting prospective, current and former trainees on their own career journeys.
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116: Personal and professional transformation
116: Personal and professional transformation
How the CPD framework can help you!
This session explores how professional services staff at all stages of their career can access and benefit from the AUA’s CPD Framework. You will experience using the framework for self-assessment and develop a greater understanding of ways in which the framework can be applied to your own situation, as well as practical tips on how you can use the framework for planning and achieving your personal and professional development goals.
John Ryan MBE, FAUA
John worked in higher education management and administration for 36 years, holding a variety of positions at four institutions – Wolverhampton, Birmingham, BCU and Worcester. He headed the administration at the University of Worcester from 2000 until his retirement in July 2015, and for the last three years of this period John held the position of University Secretary and Pro Vice Chancellor (Students).
John is a Fellow and past Chair of the Association of University Administrators (AUA), and remains active in the Association. He is currently vice chair of the Board of Studies for its NTU-validated PgCert in Higher Education Leadership and Management, and Programme Lead for the Association’s Mark of Excellence in the application of the AUA CPD framework. John served on the UCAS Board for eight years and chaired the Board’s Audit Committee for six. He also completed a two year term as a Guild HE nominated trustee on the Board of the Equality Challenge Unit. He is a Trustee of the Royal National College, a residential college of further education for the visually impaired based in Hereford.
John maintains a connection with the sector through his work with the AUA, and as a key associate of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE). His work for the Foundation has included his role as Project Lead for the HEFCE-commissioned work supporting the sector in implementing the Prevent statutory duty. John currently chairs the DoE/HEFCE Prevent Reference Group. He is also part of the LFHE governance team. John was awarded an MBE in 2014 for services to higher education, a lifetime achievement award by the Association of University Administrators in 2015, and an honorary doctorate (of Letters) of the University of Worcester in November 2015.
Jan Shine, Paullus People Development
Jan is an experienced trainer, manager, coach and HR specialist with a background in HE who worked with the AUA throughout the two-year LGM project to develop the CPD framework. Jan’s HE career spanned 25 years during which time she held a variety of roles gaining broad experience in HE administration and management including generalist roles as well as specialist roles in HR and staff development. Jan was instrumental in developing mentoring, competency frameworks, 360° feedback and other management development and professional services staff initiatives at the Open University. Since becoming self-employed in 2007, Jan runs her own business, Paullus People Development, and works throughout the UK providing a range of bespoke workshops and programmes, coaching and organisational development consultancy. During this time, Jan has contributed to professional services staff development through working with many HE institutions and professional bodies, including the AUA, the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education on the Professional Careers in HE project, and with AMOSSHE on its Value and Impact project. Jan is a qualified coach, holds a PG Diploma in Management and is a Fellow of the AUA, a licensed Springboard trainer, an Associate with Programmes for Life and works with Adoption Services for Adults as a trainer and intermediary.
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