Tee Holden appointed Anglia and London Network Coordinator

Tee Holden, Anglia and London Network Coordinator
Tee Holden has been appointed the new Network Coordinator for the Anglia and London Region. We asked Tee to share a little bit about herself.
Tee’s background
I have worked in the Higher education sector for 13 years, in both public and private providers.
I spent 8.5 years at the University of Derby as Operations Manager in the School of Flexible and Partnership Learning. During my time in Derby, I was joint Regional Network Coordinator for the East Midlands Region:
“As Regional Coordinator Tee worked hard to ensure that region was active, supportive of its members and offered opportunities in CPD and valuable networking.”
– Extract from 2012 AUA awards speech when Tee’s Network was given the award for Most Innovative Contribution to the AUA.
My current role is Head of Student Support Services at Pearson Education, running the student service operation in the online programme management unit based in Harlow, Essex. I have been a member of the AUA for 10 years, and truly value the network and opportunities that I have experienced throughout that time.
Network developments
I am looking forward to my new role as Network Coordinator of the London and Anglia Region and hope to bring some of my experience and success from the East Midlands Region to this Network, I recognise this is a tough gig and Mark my predecessor will be a hard act to follow! I am looking forward to organising some Network Launch Events in the first quarter of the New Year, and working with members and advocates to ensure the Network is vibrant, active and serving its members.
Get involved
Tee is looking for a Deputy Network Coordinator to support activity in the Network. Email auanetworksupport@aua.ac.uk if you would like to hear more.
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