Suzanne Crane appointed HE in FE Network Coordinator

Suzanne Crane has been appointed HE in FE Network Coordinator. We asked Suzanne to share a little bit about herself.

Suzanne’s background

Having graduated from Newcastle University in 2005 with a BA Hons in English Literature, I started working at Northumbria University a year later as a temporary administrator, before taking on the role permanently. I have spent 15 years at Northumbria, working in various roles across different faculties and central services. Majority of my experience is in the areas of Transnational Education and Quality Assurance, and I obtained an MA Professional Practice in the Context of Higher Education in 2013 with my dissertation focused on Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Culture in Validated Provision.

Following various restructures and changes in roles, in 2017 I took on a secondment as Project Co-ordinator for a European Commission funded project, Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 (GETM3). This project gave me further international experience, working with researchers, HEIs and companies across 5 countries in Europe and Asia. I presented the project alongside the Principal Investigator at the AUA 2020 Annual Conference under the session title ‘Blood, Sweat, Tears and Cats’.

I joined the AUA in 2018 and am an active member, attending annual and regional conferences, as well as being a mentor for the PGCert in Higher Education Administration, Management and Leadership since 2020. It was also in early 2020 that I took on the role as Co-Chair of the Northumbria University Women’s Staff Network, organising in person and virtual events throughout 2020 for over 150 members.

As my secondment with GETM3 came to an end in December 2020, I decided to leave Northumbria and took on a new role at New College Durham as the HE Collaborative Partnership Manager where I have just had my 1 year anniversary.

Network developments

I am thrilled to be taking on the role of HE in FE Network Co-ordinator and working alongside the Deputy Co-ordinator to build and shape a network that will benefit those working in FE settings, or that are interested in the particular challenges and opportunities that HE in FE can bring. I would be very keen to hear from current network members, or those who are interested in becoming part of the network, as to what you would like to see from us – please get in touch.

Personally, I am looking forward to hosting events, both formal and informal, and getting to know more colleagues who work within an FE setting to grow my own knowledge of the sector as well as sharing good practice. I am also keen to work with other networks, both themed and geographical, to discover ways we can collaborate and draw on the wealth of knowledge and experience that the AUA community has to offer.

Wishing everyone the best for 2022, and I am looking forward to working with you!