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AHEP Policy SIG, ARC and QSN: How to support your institution in reacting to the incoming Freedom of Speech regulatory duties?
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Becoming a Strategic Leader: Capitalize on the Power of Your Personality
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Submit a blog
At AHEP, we pride ourselves on serving our members with content that is relevant, interesting and incremental to their development. If you have experience in a discipline relating to HE professional services, we'd like to hear from you. Please fill out the form below to submit a blog/article for our member and public channels.
Submission guidelines
Use your own writing style as much as possible, our content is designed to inspire and we’d much prefer content written by passionate professionals, not AI tools which our readers will be able to spot. If you are writing about a topic that is acronym heavy, then please try your best to explain this to those who are not specialists in this field and can understand it without having to do a quick Google! Please keep your content in the range of 500-800 words. If you wish to elaborate on a certain point, please include hyperlinks to supporting materials. Start off your piece with a quick intro to yourself – include your background, journey to your current position, skills, and a bit about your role now. Once we know who you are, you can then setup the argument/point of your article, followed by indicative evidence and supporting materials, then conclude it with a succinct round up of your statement. Please utilise UK English grammar to the best of your ability. To best understand what makes interesting content for our members and readers, please browse the AHEP blog page on the website to see how contributors have met the above criteria.
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Please provide a brief synopsis of the content of the piece and who it is aimed at. All content must be relevant, interesting and useful to AHEP members and will be subject to a review by the AHEP team with no guarantee of publication.
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Accepted file types: doc, docx.
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