Student experience events and conferences in 2021

One aim of the AUA’s Student Experience and Engagement network is to make it easier for those working in this field to seek and share best practice.

To help achieve this, we’ve compiled a list of events and conferences related to the student experience that are taking place this year.

If you spot any events that you think we’ve missed from this list please get in touch with Chris Whitehead (Deputy Network Coordinator) to let us know!

Advance HE International Conference 2021 – Monday 12 – Wednesday 14 April

New for 2021, this festival-style conference will look to address some of the most pressing global issues facing HE today.

Look out for more information about this conference on the AdvanceHE website.

Innovations in Internationalisation at Home (IIaH 2021) – Monday 12 and Friday 23 April

Run by the University of Kent this conference will be delivered in two parts with asynchronous material released on April 12th and a live component on April 23rd. IIH2021 will share good practice in the fields of Internationalisation at Home and Internationalisation of the Curriculum.

Find out more and register on the University of Kent Conference pages.

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference 2021 – Tuesday 18 May

Delivered in collaboration with MWB in HE, this one-day conference will address issues of mental wellbeing across all aspects of higher education.

Find out more and book your place on the AdvanceHE website.

Student Engagement Conference 2021 – Wednesday 26 May

New for 20-21 and focusing on student engagement, this conference will focus on the engagement of students in all aspects of their higher education, from the ‘classroom’ to extra-curricular activities including leadership and governance.

Find out more and book your place on the AdvanceHE website.

Enhancing Student Experience in the Covid-era – Thursday 27 – Friday 28 May

Enhancing Student Experience in the Covid-19 Era will explore how student services and provision must adapt to delivering an outstanding student experience amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This interactive online Conference will evaluate how universities can support student wellbeing and satisfaction and continue to demonstrate value for money in provision.

Find out more and book your place on the Inside Government website.

Generation Z in Higher Education Conference 2021 – Wednesday 9 June, 9:30am – 4:30pm

A free online conference for practitioners working in both UK Further and Higher Education seeking to understand more about Gen Z students!

The overarching purpose of the conference will be to contextualise Generation Z students’ educational journeys and synthesise the array of research, practice and considerations about these students so that we may appropriately cater to their needs.

Find out more and book your free place on Eventbrite.

Enhancing the Student Experience – Tuesday 23 – Wednesday 24 June

This online conference hosted by Universities UK will bring together sector leaders to look at how the sector can enhance the student experience in a drastically fast-moving world. The conference is an opportunity for delegates to hear from and engage with experts as well as network with colleagues and speakers.

Find out more and book your place on the UniversitiesUK website.

Student Communications Conference – Tuesday 29 June

The CASE Europe Student Communications Conference provides an in-depth masterclass in the art of creating effective and engaging student communications.

Communications and marketing professionals have the opportunity to hear about innovation and best practice from expert practitioners who offer tools and techniques learned from their own successful campaigns.

Find out more and book your place on the CASE website.

All Day All Night Conference – Wednesday 16 – Thursday 17 June

Higher Education’s premier LIVE 24 hour online social and digital media conference is back for another year. All Day All Night (ADAN) is an online conference on social and digital media that takes place over the course of 24 hours with speakers from around the globe.

Find out more and book your place on the All Day All Night website

RAISE Student Engagement Annual Conference 2021 – 1 & 2 September 2021

This year’s RAISE conference will focus on “Student engagement in the context of COVID-19”.

More details and booking will be possible through the RAISE website later this year.

RAISE Partnership SIG Event – 1:30-4pm on Thursday 9 September 2021.

This theme of year’s RAISE Partnership SIG event is “Enabling Partnership to Flourish during Challenging Times”. The event will explore the benefits, challenges and limitations of digital, hybrid and in-person approaches to partnership during the pandemic and beyond. The keynote will be delivered by Professor Colin Bryson.

An Eventbrite booking link will be available in the second half of July. If you have any questions, please contact Lydia Halls (

To stay up-to-date with more news on everything related to Student Experience and Engagement, make sure that you’ve joined the AUA Network and signed up to our Jiscmail list.