Reciprocal session proposal submission: Annual Conference and Exhibition 2019

Thank you for submitting a session proposal for the AUA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2019.

The information you provide may be used for marketing purposes and published in the conference programme, on the AUA website and in the conference app.

This form is for organisations which have a reciprocal invitation arrangement with the AUA.

Please do not start this submission until you are ready to complete and submit your full proposal. Full details on the session proposal process, timescales and guidance on how to submit a session proposal can be found here: Annual Conference 2019 session proposals guidance notes please also read our AUA Event terms and conditions.

Please note that you are able to save your submission at any point using the link at the bottom of this page.
  • If selecting both dates, please keep both free until you receive confirmation.
  • Lead Presenter

  • Please provide brief details of your career, professional interests and experience, in 200 words max. Please write in 3rd person.
  • Co-presenter 1

  • Please provide brief details of your career, professional interests and experience, in 200 words max. Please write in 3rd person.
  • Please provide brief details of your career, professional interests and experience, in 200 words max. Please write in 3rd person.
  • Session proposal

  • Max 15 words
  • If applicable expand on your title to give a one sentence introduction to your session.
  • Describe your session content including the delivery method, what can delegates expect to be doing? Max 500 words.
  • Please write your learning outcome as the completion of the following sentence "By the end of the session delegates will be able to..."
  • Please write your learning outcome as the completion of the following sentence "By the end of the session delegates will be able to..."
  • Please write your learning outcome as the completion of the following sentence "By the end of the session delegates will be able to..."
  • Please choose as many as are relevant.
  • Please choose as many as are relevant.
  • Session details

  • Please select up to three behaviours.
  • For example: Does the content use a broad range of examples/scenarios/images that illustrate the diversity of higher education? How will the content of your session be accessible to all? Have you considered if the content and structure will be appropriate for those with sensory or mobility impairments?
  • Practicalities

    (Maximum participant number, equipment, room layout) We always try to account for all your requirements when preparing our conference programme. However, it’s not always possible to do this and so are not able to guarantee your requirements will be met.
  • Reciprocal speaker terms and conditions:

    The offer to deliver a working session at the AUA Annual Conference and Exhibition 2019 is part of the reciprocal arrangement with your organisation as agreed in our MoU.

    After you have submitted your session details, should you wish to make any changes, please inform the AUA Office as soon as possible.

    The information provided in this form may be used for marketing purposes and will be published in the conference handbook, on the AUA website and in the conference app. AUA reserves the right to edit information supplied in this form. We may contact you to provide additional information for your session.

    Whilst we endeavour to meet all of your requirements we are unable to guarantee that we will be able to do so.

    These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time and speakers and by accepting these terms and conditions you also agree to any future changes. The deadline for submissions is Monday, 15 October at 9am