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Please confirm all of the days that you would be available to deliver your session:
Select All
Monday, 2 June 2025
Tuesday, 3 June 2025
Proposal Type
Title of Proposal
(maximum 30 words)
Session Type
Case Study
Facilitated discussion
Game or activity
Exploratory workshop
Wild Card (describe below)
(select one)
If you selected 'Wild Card, please describe this in 20 words
Select a maximum of two AHEP Professional Framework commitments which most closely align with your session proposal.
Empowering Professional Development
Demonstrating Responsible Practice and Personal Integrity
Working Together
Focusing on Results and Taking Accountability
Being Agile and Adaptable
Delivering Service Excellence
Engaging in the Wider Context
All proposals MUST meet the commitment to 'Taking Sustainable Approaches'. Select a maximum of two others which most closely align with your proposal.
Preferred audience size
Fewer than 20
20-30 participants
30-50 participants
50-75 participants
More than 75 participants
(select one)
Who will be most interested in your session?
Senior managers and leaders in search of fresh ideas who influence a diverse range of individuals, both within and outside the institution.
Mid-level managers who influence a diverse range of individuals across their institution and work to develop others
Established professionals who influence colleagues in their area and stakeholders
Graduates and early-career professionals who are building their knowledge and networks
(select one)
Lead presenter
Complete this section for the main presenter. Additional presenters do not need to supply a biography. Please also note, corporate organisations and consultancy firms not affiliated to AHEP cannot submit proposals but can participate as sponsors or exhibitors. Please contact for further information.
Lead presenter name
Lead presenter email
Job Title
Brief biography
(max 150 words)
Upload a headshot
You will need a photo: closeup of face or head/shoulders, high-quality JPG or PNG format
For each presenter, list their full name, email, phone, institution, job title. Maximum of two co-presenters.
Job Title
Job Title
Session proposal
Context (max 400 words)
Describe the content, format and purpose of your proposed session. How does your topic relate to the conference theme? Why is this topic important to you, your peers or the university?
Relevance and focus (max 100 words)
Why will this topic be of interest to other professional staff? What will attract people to attend this conference session? What is the particular question, issue or idea you intend to address in this session?
Method (max 100 words)
Have you done research into this topic? Are you presenting a case study? What other steps have you taken to explore, investigate and test your ideas?
Analysis (max 100 words)
Provide a succinct statement of your conclusions. What did you learn from your investigations or experiences? What has changed as a result? What should (or could) happen next?
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome 1
What are three key things those attending your presentation will take away? By the end of the session, delegates will be able to…
Learning Outcome 2
What are three key things those attending your presentation will take away? By the end of the session, delegates will be able to…
Learning Outcome 3
What are three key things those attending your presentation will take away? By the end of the session, delegates will be able to…
Engagement and interaction
Describe how you will maximise engagement with participants in your session, and stimulate critical thought and insight.
Outline the activities in your session with indicative timings – you must show the moderators how you will use 60 minutes.
Equity and diversity
Describe briefly how you will embed equity and diversity
see our guidance notes for advice. (maximum 200 words)
Accessibility and inclusion
Describe briefly how you will ensure the session is accessible for all participants.
Mention provisions for accessible materials, presentation formats, etc. (100 words maximum)
AV Requirements
List any special audio visual, computing, technical or learning support required for your session
(100 words maximum)
I agree to my session being recorded and made available to delegates following the conference
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