Following receipt of feedback, we understand that sometimes you may need some further clarification or additional information on the comments or feedback you have received in order to help you progress with your future assignments or resubmissions.
A ‘conversation’ can be requested with your assessor to clarify points or areas in your feedback that you may not understand. This would be via telephone – that way it is easier for the assessor to talk through your assessment with you. There is an option to choose a written response on the form but we would strongly encourage a phone conversation.
To make the most of this opportunity we recommend that you request an ‘assessor conversation’ sooner rather than later in order to aid your learning.
Before you ask for further feedback from your assessor there are some resources that may be useful to help you understand your assessment result and feedback.
Step 1: Useful resources to access
• Your mentor – discuss your feedback
• Academic Skills in ‘NOW Student Help’
• The ‘Study Skills’ section in your AHEP Course Room
Step 2: Requesting a ‘conversation’ with your assessor
When requesting a conversation with your assessor remember to treat this as an opportunity for clarity and for further feedback on areas or comments you haven’t fully understood on your marking matrix. Your comments should be constructive and specific so that you ensure you’re making the best use of this assessor conversation.
It is important to note that this isn’t an opportunity to question academic or professional judgement as the assessor has followed due process and has exercised their academic judgement to identify ways in which an assignment does and does not satisfy the criteria. The comments provided by the assessor in the feedback do not reflect on the level of work undertaken, it is how the required criteria have been addressed in the assignment. Please note, the assessment process involves a sample moderated by NTU.
Step 3: Consider the points for clarification
• What areas do you not understand from the feedback provided?
• What specific feedback do you require clarification on?
It will not be sufficient to state, for example: ‘I do not agree that I have not fully answered the question’, or, ‘I have answered this criteria and this is where it has been answered’. You need to make specific reference to your feedback on the form below.
Step 4: Method of contact
Assessor conversations will standardly take place by telephone but a written response can be requested if preferred. While your preference for the contact will be taken into consideration, this cannot be guaranteed and may depend on an assessor’s availability.
The questions listed in the form below will be sent to the assessor who will provide details of their availability to discuss over the phone or return the form electronically by email. It’s important that you provide enough information in the form so the assessor can prepare their response and for you to get the most out of the conversation.
Step 5: Complete request
Please send the request form to the Office at: where your request will be acknowledged within five working days. A response from the assessor will normally be expected 10 working days following this receipt. Please include possible availability on the form below.