Meet Chloe Duxbury, AUA Events Coordinator | AUA Careers

My typical day…

Starts at 8.30. We often have a team huddle so I will make notes of any important points I need to pass onto the team. I will then respond to my emails and check the events calendar to plan my workload for upcoming events. This will include arranging any travel/accommodation, sending out joining instructions and preparing, packing and sending the event materials. It is important that I communicate with all those involved in an event to ensure we meet tight deadlines and nothing is missed. My line manager, who is the AUA Events Officer, and I regularly meet with the AUA Professional Development team to schedule new events and review our internal processes in order to continually improve the delegate experience. I update my to-do list for the next day and finish at 16.00.

The best part of my role…

Is being able to travel to different cities and attend our events. After months of planning, it’s always nice to see an event come together. It is also nice being able to meet our members face-to-face as often the main form of communication we have with members is via email or phone.

The highlight of my career…

Was working on my first AUA Conference in Leeds. Being able to say I played a key part in successfully bringing together 600 delegates from across the world over a three-day period is something I’m very proud of.

To me, professionalism means…

How you conduct yourself within your profession. It is about providing excellent customer service and working with your colleagues to offer quality help and support to both members and non-members.

I can’t start my day without…

A bowl of Rice Krispies and a mug of green tea in bed.