The January member spotlight is on Kate Moss, Senor Quality Officer at the University of Central Lancashire. Kate is the AUA’s North Wales & North West Network Coordinator.

Why do you do it?

I’ve been privileged to be a part of the regional network as an advocate for a number of years and have seen the network grow and develop over that time – including winning not one but two AUA team of the year awards for our various innovations! The vacancy arose shortly after the pandemic hit and we went into the first lockdown. It was important to me to see that this aspect of AUA provision for the regional membership continued despite the circumstances so I seized the opportunity to ensure that this happens. It’s definitely a team effort though, and I really enjoy working with other advocates across the region and finding out more about the wide range of providers we represent.

What has been the best bit so far?

I’d undoubtedly have to count the 2021 Annual Regional Conference as my highlight so far. There were a lot of challenges to overcome with the pandemic forcing us to move online, and with the announcement of lockdown 3 just before the conference many of these were quite last minute, but we’ve had some excellent feedback about what turned out to be an engaging and inspiring event.

We also launched the Regional Accreditation Peer-learning Groups within the conference – offering regional members an opportunity to work collaboratively with colleagues across the network to develop and submit their applications for AUA Accreditation and Fellowship using MS Teams.

Would you recommend the role?

Absolutely. Seeing how much the work I do in this role allows others to engage with their own development and that of their teams makes the effort and challenges of the role worthwhile. The support and advice available from the AUA Office and the team of advocates across the UK is outstanding, and the willingness of everyone associated with the AUA to help, contribute and support others never fails to amaze me!