Introducing Colin Ferguson, the AUA’s new Executive Director

Colin Ferguson

Executive Director | AUA

The Association of University Administrators is transforming. We have ambitious plans to make the offer to our membership more relevant and enticing, clarifying our purpose, and reaching out to new and existing audiences. 

As part of this transformation, Colin Ferguson recently joined the AUA as Executive Director. Colin has spent more than 10 years developing and promoting leadership amongst professional communities within education and policing. He has overall responsibility for the AUA, leading the team here at AUA HQ and working closely with the Board.

Colin’s diverse background includes experience of charities, non-departmental public bodies, government departments, corporate and public sector organisations. In addition, he has served as a board member to social cause initiatives across the country and acted as a senior sponsor for several Equality, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. 

Over the next six months Colin is leading the development of the future strategy for the AUA. Please watch this space for opportunities to contribute to our future strategy.

The AUA has a strong history, which we want to build on to ensure that our members are right at the heart of our endeavours. Higher Education has changed over recent years and is continuing to evolve. Ultimately, institutions cannot thrive without the breadth of professional excellence and leadership of our membership. As the sector changes, so must the AUA; we’ll be working with you to define a purpose, identity and offer that supports and empowers you throughout your career and allows us to take pride in our diverse professions.