Call for one day learning and development events
Learning and development events are a central part of our professional development offering. Each year we are committed to delivering a varied programme of opportunities to upskill and engage members with the wider context of their roles, help them to plan and move forward in their careers and ultimately reach their full potential as HE professionals.
To help us to do this, we need you!
We are inviting proposals for one day learning and development events that will deliver high impact opportunities for AUA members and others in the sector.
We are looking for events which complement and elevate our current offering and which reflect the current realities of working in university administration today.
Your proposal maybe a skill or knowledge based workshop, focus on a particular competency or professional behaviour, or cover an emerging trend in higher education.
Members have highlighted that they would like to see development events:
- Relevant to specific areas/roles in across HE administration
- Relevant to career stage/role type (senior managers/ new to sector/mid to late career)
- About sector developments/specific changes affecting universities
This is a paid opportunity open to members and non-members.
Interested? We’d like to hear from you.
Closing date for receipt of proposals is 17.00 on Wednesday, 20 March.
If you have any questions, please contact Jo Forsyth, Professional Development Officer.
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