How to enhance your AUA Conference experience | Some helpful tips | AUA Blog

Monica Mihai
Digital Marketing Manager
Association of University Administrators

The AUA Annual Conference is the largest of its kind in the sector, with excellent opportunities to hear from a range of speakers, ask questions and meet up with professionals from across the country.

The Conference will be motivating and inspiring, but can also be overwhelming and intense. You will meet many fellow professionals and hear a lot of new information, which is why being organised and having a plan are the safest ways to ensure you get the most out of participating in #AUA2018.


  • Map out your desired learning outcomes: what do you want to learn? What questions do you want answers to? Why not use the AUA CPD Framework to support your career development needs?
  • Check your schedule: wearing your name badge is now more than just a useful networking device, it’s your at a glance reference for your entire schedule. We’ve printed your chosen sessions on the reverse of the badge to help you move seamlessly through your events.
  • Get connected: use the Conference App, social media and handbook for information on opportunities taking place during the Conference. Also, don’t forget to post about your experience using the hashtag #AUA2018.
  • Maximise your professional network: using the App, check the delegate list to keep track of new and old connections.
  • Leave work at work: don’t be tempted to spend refreshment breaks checking emails or phoning the office unless absolutely necessary. We want you to enjoy your time with us.

Capturing your learning

  • Take memorable notes: at the end of each session you attend, write down two key takeaways and any ideas you want to follow up on the subject.
  • Question everything: the Conference App has a new question feature, so that you can send a question to any of our our speakers up to an hour before their session or thirty minutes after.
  • Reflect: take some time to do some structured reflection on what you have learnt. What influenced you most and why? Will any area of your practice change as a result of what you have heard? What new ideas will you pursue? Add these reflections to your Personal Development Record and update your CPD Activity Diary

Sharing is caring

  • Use Google Docs: this tool makes it easier to share your notes with others you know at Conference or back at the office.
  • Get social: tweet/post/share your thoughts using the Conference hashtag #AUA2018 on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and view others’ comments on the large screen feed to benefit from their insights.
  • Become a bona fide presenter: run a session for others back at base. If more than one of you attended Conference, you can pool your experiences and talk about the different sessions you attended.

Follow it up


  • Speakers to follow-up any questions you have since the session
  • Exhibitors whose products or services are relevant to you or your department

Add to your notes:

  • References or links to websites that sparked your interest
  • New learning or insights you have developed

Maintain your network:

  • Discuss what you have learnt with your line manager, colleagues or mentor
  • Follow-up any contacts you made by updating your LinkedIn connections