AUA 5th Regional Symposium: Finding Solutions
The AUA South Region delivered its 5th Regional Symposium on 24 January 2020. Hosted by the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex, the symposium focused on the AUA professional behaviour of finding solutions. The universities arranged parallel workshop sessions for delegates who were able to network with colleagues across the region whilst also having the opportunity to welcome staff and colleagues new to the AUA.

The session was opened by Dr David Walker, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of Sussex who was well received by the delegate. Two workshop sessions followed covering topics as diverse as improving the experience of students with Learning Support Plans; building personal resilience and embedding AUA behaviours in the appraisal process. After a light networking lunch, the delegates engaged with other colleagues from both universities presenting on topics such as continuous improvement, nurturing healthy office environment and how to develop your own professional superpowers!
This event was a great way to launch the AUA and raise awareness at the University of Sussex. Both institutions have relatively small, but very enthusiastic, AUA membership, and the professionalism of the organising group must be lauded. As university professional service staff, working collegially and inter-institutionally together on shared events, we recognise how similar our experiences our, regardless of where we work.
The event, organised by AUA Advocates Alison Curry (University of Brighton) and Merrill Jones (University of Sussex) was supported by Nicola Sowerby (University of Portsmouth), Deputy Regional Coordinator. Many thanks to all those who attended and supported this excellent developmental activity.
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