Aspiring Academic Registrars | 28 January, London

Our next Aspiring Academic Registrars event will be held in Edinburgh on Friday, 29 April 2022. Find out more information and book your place here

Our one-day Aspiring Academic Registrars workshop is an opportunity to gain insights into the role of Academic Registrar from those in the role, and an opportunity to explore some current key challenges and expectations.

You will learn more about how to manage experts and specialists outside your own knowledge base; about the day to day realities of the role, and gain insight into the key relationships within complex organisations. An external recruitment consultant will share hints and tips on the most successful approaches to secure this type of role.

Take a look at this month’s AUA Development Monthly;

Talking blended working
Talking blended working | Mark Hollingsworth Development Monthly | #5 January 2022 | Talking blended working Mark …
Changing jobs – Jim Irving
Changing jobs | Jim Irving Development Monthly | #5 January 2022 | Changing jobs – Jim Irving …
Is the future of work blended?
Opinion piece | Is the future of work blended? Development Monthly | #5 January 2022 | Is …
Approaches to navigating the blended working environment
Approaches to navigating the blended working environment Development Monthly | #5 January 2022 | Approaches to navigating …