Regular reviews of governance effectiveness and continuous improvement are key to good governance. AHEP Consulting can offer an independent review of your corporate and/or academic governance arrangements, identifying areas of good practice and opportunities for enhancement that will:
- Provide confidence to internal and external stakeholders
- Demonstrate your overall commitment to excellent governance.
It can also support preparations for an application for degree awarding powers for those providers with these ambitions.
Why AHEP Consulting?

Our reviews are delivered by a skilled and experienced team who have worked in professional governance roles in the sector, served on Boards and Committees themselves and have undertaken governance effectiveness reviews in universities, independent providers and charities. This experience provides our consultants with the insight to follow the right lines of enquiry and understand what improvements can be made to your governance practice.
A typical review will utilise two or more consultants with complementary skills and experience who will use their extensive practical experience and knowledge of the HE landscape to tailor an approach that will meet your specific needs.
Our Approach:
Our reviews will typically focus on an organisation’s corporate governance arrangements or its academic governance arrangements although a combined corporate and academic governance review can also be undertaken if required. Our effectiveness reviews include the following elements each of which inform lines of enquiry that will enable the identification of areas of good practice and areas where improvements may be needed to enhance your governance practice:
Document review – including governing documents, meeting papers, previous effectiveness review reports, governance guidance, policies and procedures.
Stakeholder survey – key elements of our tailored survey administered by the AHEP office are:
– Questions and participants agreed with the review sponsor or steering group
– No restriction/ limit on the number of questions (although we advise against too many)
– Qualitative free text response for each question where the real value is found
– Anonymous providing respondents with opportunity to provide open and honest opinions and feedback
Meeting observations – in person and online looking at fundamentals such as chairing, paper quality and logistics alongside working relationships, behaviour and culture.
Semi-structured interviews and/or focus groups with key individuals to be agreed with the review sponsor/steering group but we would expect these to include as a minimum Governing Body/Academic Board Chair, committee chairs, head of the institution, staff and student governors/ members and the University Secretary or equivalent.
Case Study:

University of West London and Ruskin College,
Governance Effectiveness Reviews 2024:
The requirement…
AHEP Consulting were appointed in early 2024 to carry out a governance effectiveness review of the University of West London’s (UWL) corporate governance arrangements alongside a review of the governance arrangements of its subsidiary, Ruskin College.
The approach…
The reviews were conducted by two consultants with complementary skills and experience in governance roles in the sector and in conducting governance effectiveness reviews in universities, independent providers and charities. Commonalities between the two institutions enabled cost effective delivery, for example, interviews with shared stakeholders were carried out to meet the needs of both reviews.
Following appointment, a scoping meeting was held with the University Secretary, as sponsor for each review, and a detailed planning document produced identifying the activities and timeline for each. Regular progress updates and early findings were shared with the sponsor prior to drafting reports.
Evidence was gathered through an anonymised governance effectiveness review e-survey, a desk review of key documentation, meeting observations and stakeholder interviews each informing findings and recommendations for each review.
The outcomes…
The Ruskin College report was presented to its Board of Trustees in July 2024 outlining how the College’s governance practices met the six principles of good governance in the AoC Code and the areas set out in guidance issued by the DfE on conducting governance reviews. It found: “a high degree of commitment to effective governance across the FE/Trustee Board and the Executive with strongly shared vision, culture, and values.”
The report made 4 recommendations on issues that impacted good governance and 6 suggestions of areas the College might find it helpful to enhance its governance practices.
The UWL report was presented to its Governance and Nominations Committee at the end of September 2024 noting that the University’s governance arrangements were effective and evidenced “a high level of application of the principles of good governance set out in the CUC HE Code”.
Assurance and good practice was identified in relation to Board culture reflecting the values and culture of the University, commitment to student engagement in governance, a transparent approach to the publication of information on governance and mechanisms in place to regulate Board business and monitor compliance with regulatory and accountability requirements.
The Report made 9 recommendations and 4 suggestions to strengthen its governance practices including earlier governor input to strategic decisions, the assurance provided to the Board on academic governance and some aspects of Board and committee operations.
Feedback from the sponsor:
“The process of using AHEP Consulting for two governance effectiveness reviews was seamless, with clear communication, evident expertise and understanding of the context of the institutions under review.”
Let’s talk…
Whether you’re looking for strategic advice, specialised expertise, or support for your upcoming projects, our team at AHEP Consulting is here to help. We’re eager to understand your challenges and work with you to find the best solutions. Don’t hesitate to reach out, we’d love to explore how we can support your business.
Email to start the conversation.