Coaching: The Inner Game

Tessa Harrison
Director Students & Education
King’s College London

The Inner Game

Timothy Gallwey writes about the ‘inner game’ and the emotional and learned behaviour interferences we allow to affect our ability to achieve our true potential.   Whatever stage we are in our careers we need to be able to recognise these interferences, understand how they are affecting us and practice techniques for removing them to improve our own, our teams and our organisation’s performance.


Our ‘inner game’ is particularly acute at times of change when our emotional responses to what is happening around and to us are at their most acute.  As managers we need to be able to recognise and manage our own responses and support our staff to recognise and manage theirs.

Coaching provides the tools and techniques to develop your ability to manage your own and others’ inner games.  Being able to really listen to, and have quality conversations with, the people we work with underpins effective management and organisational success.

To explore these concepts further, develop your coaching skills and understand how the AUA Professional Behaviours Framework can support your work, book your place at the Developing Your Coaching Skills event, which will take place on 29 June 2018 in Manchester.

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