Call for session proposals

Call for session proposals

We are now inviting working session proposals for consideration for the Autumn Conference 2017 and/or the Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018.

The challenges we face as a sector and as individual HE professionals operating in our own teams, departments and initutions, have never been greater. To reflect the scale of complexity of the extraordinary times we find ourselves in the theme for both our Autumn 2017 and Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018 is…

Beyond Brexit: embracing uncertainty, defining our purpose, sustaining successful professionals.

This theme offers a broad framework with scope to develop working sessions to share your knowledge and learning, your thoughts and opinion and your professional practice and experience with colleagues.  We welcome sessions that provoke discussion and debate and which demonstrate your creative or pragmatic interpretation of the theme. You may decide to apply it at individual, team, institutional or sector level.

To aid your thinking we’ve provided some ideas below.

Beyond Brexit…

Embracing uncertainty

  1. Transformative institutional leadership and followership
  2. The sector in the connected global world
  3. The sector in a changing world of education, learning and social and technological change
  4. The institution in the sector
  5. The matter of finance
  6. The role of institutions in the sector and the sector in the economy

Finding our purpose

  1. Strategically at institution level
  2. As a sector, individual or team
  3. HE as a transformative experience for students
  4. Access to HE in an unequal world
  5. The balancing act: research, teaching and learning
  6. As an area of specialist practice

Sustaining successful professionals

  1. Building personal resilience during turbulent change
  2. Supporting others through the same
  3. Taking responsibility for our own personal and professional development journey
  4. professional and personal change and reinvention
  5. Sharing good practice and working in partnership
  6. Health and well-being

The AUA CPD Framework remains the underpinning of  all our professional development activities. Please indicate how your session supports up to three of our nine professional behaviours. Read more about the AUA CPD Framework.

Submitting a session proposal

Read our guidance on how to submit a session proposal first and then when you are ready you can submit your session proposal here.

Closing date for receipt of session proposals    

If you would like your session to be considered for both the Autumn Conference 2017 and the Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018 the deadline is Monday 11 September at 09.00 a.m.

If you would like your session to be considered for the Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018 only the deadline is Monday 18 September at midnight.